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Arai Quantum/f Replacement


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It is time, after 6 years, to retire my Shoei Multitec modular helmet, and finally return to where I was happiest - with Arai. I had a Quantum/f prior to the Shoei, and it was just PERFECT for me.


I'd like to know if anyone knows the "head shape" of the Quantum/f, or more specifically which Arai model(s) today would be the form/fit replacement for the Quantum/f of old. I loved my Quantum/f so much, and I look forward to that level of fit and quality again.





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The Quantum was a round-oval interior shape. According to their website, it seems the current Arai line are all either intermediate-oval or long -oval (Signet Q). I need the long-oval shape. They discontinued the Profile, which fit me fine. Fortunately, the Signet Q is the long-oval replacement for the Profile and this one fits me.


I found that most Shoei and the Shuberth helmets are round-oval shapes and those give me the dreaded forehead pain.


I think WebBike World has a helmet shape section that gives you the shape of the current helmets. You may find a round-oval helmet there, but it won't be an Arai.





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I did see that, but after having an Arai and nearly everything else, I'm going to get another Arai, head shape be damned. There's just nothing that fits me like an Arai. Even if it is a used Quantum, although many Quantum owners moved to the RX-Q and seem to like it. Some even moved to the Corsair.



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Guest Kakugo

Moshe, I had a first generation Quantum as well. Excellent helmet.

Presently I have a Corsair. It fits better than the Quantum (better materials used in lining?) because it better conforms to my head shape without being tighter.

My brother lent me his RX7GP (Corsair V in the US and Japan) for a couple of days (we have the same size) and it's one step further along the same road. Small improvements of the breed.


Arai fit has stayed the same all along, it just improved in small steps. The RX-Q (as it's called in the US) fits exactly the same niche at old Quantum/f. You may also want to check out the big daddy Corsair V. the extra ventilation (especially at low speeds) may be worth the extra $$$.

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Yes, I will, thanks. I don't mind spending on an Arai. That comfort is just SO worth it!



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Check out Arai's website araiamericas.com


Looks like all their street helmets at "Intermediate Oval" except the Signet-Q which is "long oval". They seem to have abandoned round heads. But I had a couple of Arais that were then called "Round Oval" and the current RX-Q fits me just fine. Might work for you too.


Like you, I just like the Arai quality and comfort, even at the premium prices.



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I've never owned an Arai.

But I do trust ratings from the SHARP testing in the UK

and there are some very interesting data points.


Not all helmets, nor all Arai helmets get the same ratings wrt safety.

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Moshe, you could zip down to Philly and head over to RevZilla (I believe they're located in the Naval Yard) and try on the current Arai options. They have a bunch of Arai reviews on YouTube as well: http://www.youtube.com/user/RevZillaTV/videos?query=arai


I was planning on getting my next helmet from them, I've met one of ther office personnel, she's a Philly rider's member, and I know several members have purchased through them as well.


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I have a huge Arai dealer about 3 miles from home and went there today. Tried on the RX-Q, the Signet-Q, and the Corsair-V. For me, the Corsair-V was slightly more comfy than the other two, so I'm going with that one.



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