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Chin strap irritation


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The longer I ride the more my chin strap irritates my neck. I have tried washing the strap on a near daily basis with no luck. Any suggestions?


I was considering a silk scarf that I could tuck under the strap but I can't find any locally that aren't extremely feminine looking.

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You could try a simple cotton bandana if the silk scarf doesn't work out. I often ride with a stylish red bandana in hot weather (wet) and I can pull it up under the chin strap for extra cooling and to keep bugs and dirt out. The bandana is cheap and makes me look like Dave Ekins or Steve McQueen (in my dreams)


Just curious: what brand helmet are you using and have other helmets caused this problem, too?



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I currently wear an HJC CL-16. Not the most expensive one around but it does meet both DOT and SNELL standards. I have tried with the strap loose and tight. Doesn't seem to matter much. Of course the inflamation and acne is at it's peak now so nothing seems to help.

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Mrs. Caddis

Why not try stopping at a fabric store, get a small scrap of silk, fleece, cotton, whatever you like and sew (or find a friend that sews) a small casing to put over the strap.

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Why not try stopping at a fabric store, get a small scrap of silk, fleece, cotton, whatever you like and sew (or find a friend that sews) a small casing to put over the strap.


I was going to run out on lunch and do just that. I have mad sewing skills from my hiking days. I couldn't afford quality light gear so I made my own tent, backpack, sleeping bag and some clothes.


I have to ask about the "Mrs. Caddis" user id. Looking at your signature line it appears that either there are a lot of you around or you have an irrational fear about being consumed by trout. Is there a better story?

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Mrs. Caddis

My husband Kevin is "Caddis". We have gotten a lot of questions (from non-fly fishing folks) asking what is a caddis. I finally just added the definition to the signature line. It is easier to figure out on Kevin's posts since his avatar has a trout he caught.

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It is easier to figure out on Kevin's posts since his avatar has a trout he caught.


Yup, it's my fault!



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