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Adding a cheapo radio.


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Is anyone using a "walkman" portable style radio on their RT? I would like to add a cheapo radio on the shelf and send the audio through my Autocom inputs. Is this possible or is the interference too much and will just mess up the FM reception? I already have a Zumo GPS/MP3 player for other music.




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Hi, Is anyone using a "walkman" portable style radio on their RT? I would like to add a cheapo radio on the shelf and send the audio through my Autocom inputs. Is this possible or is the interference too much and will just mess up the FM reception? I already have a Zumo GPS/MP3 player for other music.

Thanks, Ben

I have a mechanical engineering degree, but electronics is a hobby, especially radio and audio. FM radio, AM radio have specific RF characteristics and require a proper antenna. AM may be better than FM, because most AM radios have a small internal ferrite loop-stick antenna. Small portable FM radios with no telescopic antenna typically use the chord of the headphone to do double duty as an antenna for FM. The 1/4 wave length of FM requires at least 2.5 feet of antenna. Even a good car radio with a good antenna has a hard time getting a good signal in rural and remote areas.


As long as your intercom acts as an antenna (through the radios audio cable output) you should be OK. You may be better with a portable FM radio that has a dedicated antenna. Then the issue is where to extend a telescopic antenna or mount an external antenna. You can run a wire (2.5', 5') under the plastic part of the bike (insulated from the bikes ground). Run that to the radios audio output, in parallel with the connection to intercom. It should give you good range and be stealth.


A little radio (size of a pack of gum or cigarette pack) is made cheap and ultra-portable. Little FM radios will work great in an urban area, near stations, 15-20 miles, even with a marginal antenna. The audio amp may be marginal to drive ear buds in high noise, but with your intercom that should be OK. Give it a try. SAT radio might be a better choice for rural and remote areas. I have a few small FM radios I use for walking, exercising. They are great.


How do you like the AUTOCOM? I have the wiring in my used bike, but no box. Thinking about taking out the wiring.

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I have used my autocom with my Zune FM receiver. (Yes, I have the betamax of mp3 players!) I don't recall any trouble with reception - given that I'm not 100 miles out in the booneys.


They have piles and piles of those am/fm and/or cassette walkman type units at goodwill for a couple bucks a piece. Bring your headphones and a few AA or AAA batteries to test some units before you buy. I was at an electronics store the other day, and the cheapest new am/fm unit was about $30.

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Guest Kakugo

(Stupid question coming)


Have you considered getting a proper MP3 player? A Sony Walkman or an Apple iPod? Sound quality is miles ahead of the Zumo and both come with decent inbuilt radios.

The Sony also has a very good noise cancellation function which works like a treat. Oh, and Sony will be getting out of the MP3 player business shortly so they dropped prices considerably.

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