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BaseCamp, Zumo and City Navigator Europe NT Map

Ken H.

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Scenario/chain of events:


Going to Europe, want to use our Zumo and BaseCamp on a notebook.


Went to Garmin’s site and purchased and downloaded (more on that later) City Navigator Europe NT.


Their download app grinds away for a couple of hours on installing maps to the PC and to the Zumo.

Crashes out once, so start again, and a few more hours it competes “Maps Successfully Installed!”


EU map now fully shows and functions just fine on the Zumo however zilch in BaseCamp – no EU map.


However with the GPS connected (USB) BaseCamp does see the EU map over on the GPS and can use it but with amongst other things a “no printing” restriction. Disconnect the Zumo and the EU in BaseCamp reverts back to the low detail “Global Map”.


Repeat the whole download thing again. A few more hours - same result.


Tried a bunch of things with copying files and directories directly from the GPS (SD card) to what I think are correct for BaseCamp directories (takes a while those files are humongous): all to no avail. BaseCamp just doesn’t know anything about EU without the Zumo connected.


Post a note/question at zumoforums.com and get one short reply that says only DVD maps can be installed to PC (for BaseCamp’s use) not downloaded ones.


But, but earlier at the purchase site “Download” was the only option I had! What the heck?


So after getting disconnected mid-conversation twice a support rep at Garmin confirms the downloaded version of City Navigator Europe NT cannot be installed on a PC, only to a device. And that EU maps cannot be printed when they are only installed on a device. No explanation as to why that is.


He says the DVD version can be installed to a PC, but (and here's the real kicker -) “due to trade restrictions” they do not sell the DVD version from the USA into Canada. (Which explains why I never saw that purchase option from here.)


So I guess I’m hooped. Such craziness. Anybody here have an angle I’ve missed to get this to work?


(To their credit they did offer to and did refund my $99. So that’s something anyway.)


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Garmin has lost the plot big time.

But as people keep purchasing the maps and software (no choice really) and they are really the only game in town when it comes to Motorbike GPS, I don't think we have a choice and just have to put up with the crap.

I wish the others would get their act together and offer some competitive products.

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I live in the UK, and bought my Zumo 660 with pre installed Euro NT maps 18 months or so ago.

Had no major problem installing NT maps to PC (3 different ones so far) and updating on both the PCs and Zumo.

Just the usual reported Garmin Express issues.

I also have the ability to print from the Euro map, and have never had a DVD for it.


Just one quick stupid question - did you select the Euro NT map option in Basecamp drop down?

If it's not selected in the dropdown box, the map won't show in Basecamp. DAMHIK !!!

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Evening Ian


According to Garmin you can download from them & install on the computer & have printing rights (IF) you are updating already existing map-sets.


It's installing a new European (non update) from a download that seems to cause issues over here in the U.S.


A while back Garmin posted an update (letter) about the problem with the European map download not allowed to go on computer or have printing rights unless it was an update.


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Evening Ken


Not sure what to tell you.


If you can somehow get an earlier EU map on DVD or from another unlocked source then having that older EU map on your computer will probably allow the new EU update to download to your computer & have printing rights.


There is another way but it is not technically legal, but morally it wouldn't bother me too much as you have already paid for a new map & it should work on your computer as well as allow printing rights.


Seeing as it is illegal I won't post much about it here as readers could use the info to illegally crack an ill-gotten locked map.


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Cheers DR,


I must say I wasn't quite truthful with my last post.


I've just checked and I DO indeed have a DVD with the original box, but it is still sealed, and unused, so wasn't needed for the update / pc install.


Would be nice of Garmin to make these issues clear up front, rather than after a purchase though.

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Just one quick stupid question - did you select the Euro NT map option in Basecamp drop down?

If it's not selected in the dropdown box, the map won't show in Basecamp.

That's the core of the problem - With the Zumo connected City Navigator Europe NT shows up in the drop down (because it's seeing it over on the Zumo I supppose) but as soon as you disconnect the Zumo it disappears from the drop down list.

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Such craziness. Anybody here have an angle I’ve missed to get this to work?
buy the DVD from Amazon using the US or UK site. Amazon UK (www.amazon.co.uk) has it for 60 pounds. They'll ship here overseas pretty reasonably (I buy books & stuff from them occasionally when I can't find them here in the US).
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