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Navigator IV internal memory questions

Blind Squirrel

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Blind Squirrel

My Garmin Express updater show that I only have 372 MB free out of 3.7 GB on my Navigator IV. When I imported a custom route today it said "Cannot calculate route. Not enough free memory." :mad:


I see all sorts of things that look like I can delete to free up memory, but I want to be sure I don't screw anything up.


- Can I delete the various folders under the help folder (e.g. Afrikaans, Chinese, etc.) without doing any damage?


- Can I delete the various .gtt files under the Text folder without doing any damage?


I see that there are two maps loaded. CN North America NT 2014.10 3D and CN North America NT 2014.10 that has a [1] ALL under it.


- Do I need them both, and if not, how do I get rid of one of them?



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Blind Squirrel

I posted the question over on zumoforums.com and got an answer:


The free space on the drive is not related to the internal memory (think RAM on your PC) that is used for recalculating routes. You can't change the size of internal memory, although you could perhaps pop out the SD card if it contains a lot of music. When the music tracks are indexed on start up, a fair bit of internal memory may be used.


I have had some success by toggling the recalculating mode (shortest distance, fastest time) and then recalculating. This may free up some internal memory. You can then toggle it back to the previous state.


When all else fails, just split the routes into more manageable sizes.


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