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Base Camp for Mac


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OK< I have to do this, just to keep my conscience straight.


I was an ardent PC guy for all these years. My wife and son went Mac and I caught a lot of grief about it. She gave me the zumo when they first came out and I loved it so much I became one of the first three moderators at the zumo forum.


I was one of the earliest guys helping others with Mapsource. I consumed it, found it worked but had its quirks. I ended up with a contact at Garmin... in the executive structure who was responsible for a lot of what zumo is. Live was good.


Then came Base Camp. I hated it. Far too many obscure work-arounds, problems, no answers. Then, in an unrelated tectonic shift I went to Mac. Bought a MacBook Pro. Loved it and all its differences from my beloved PC.


Then discovered that it was a strong rumor that Garmin used Macs for all the design work on Base Camp and that they had to really kludge it to play on a PC.


All I can tell you that BC works like a champ on the MB Pro. It is smooth, fast and once you un-learn Mapsource and just accept BC as it is... it really works well.


My confessional is intended to make up for all those years of PC-ness and to balance the difficulties a lot of us had with Base Camp on the PC.


Just my $0.02.


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Morning Hopz


I have used Base Camp since it first came out in it's first (quirky) beta version. You are correct in that the first few iterations were a disaster. (PC only for me)


Then I went thorough that phase of using MapSource to build the routes then send them through Base Camp to make intricate & complex routes play nice with my Zumo (newest mapping).


I am usually one of the first users of the new (Beta) Base Camp versions so when the real releases come out am pretty familiar with their operation.


The search function in (PC version 4.2.2) Base Camp still leaves something to be desired but every B/C iteration is getting more usable & little irritations addressed.


Personally I like Base Camp much better than I liked MapSource as the track making, splicing, & handling is much better (I do a lot of off-road track only routes)


The one thing I can say about Base Camp that can't be said about the last few Map Source versions is that Base Camp definitely makes more stable (complex) routes for use on a Zumo using the latest mapping than Map Source ever could.


Map Source hasn't been supported or updated by Garmin in a long long time now so we better make peace with Base Camp like it or not.


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It's nice that it works so well on a MAC PC/Laptop, but the simple truth is that still, the absolute majority use Microsoft PC's.

So Base Camp needs 100% compatibility with MS. I used to be an avid Linux User, so I am not a die hard MS fan/user.

But it seems that Garmin has it a$$ over head by making it MS compatible, instead the other way around.

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I really like the "look" of the map in BC. Much mor detail in zoomed out magnification. That's it. I'm old and we old folks don't like change!! It has a significantly different MMI for no obvious reason. I still use Mapsource for most of my routing. Then open them in BC and print them. Much nicer print.

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Paul In Australia
It's nice that it works so well on a MAC PC/Laptop, but the simple truth is that still, the absolute majority use Microsoft PC's.

So Base Camp needs 100% compatibility with MS. I used to be an avid Linux User, so I am not a die hard MS fan/user.

But it seems that Garmin has it a$$ over head by making it MS compatible, instead the other way around.


Alfredo, you need to enter the new world my friend. mac is so much better. try it and you will never go back. Basecamp is a breeze on mac. never used Mapsource on any ops sys, so I have no issues.

best regards


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