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Those of you who have been around this site for awhile are aware I am famous for my special techniques for "fixing" things on a motorcycle. Today I bring you the BEST, EASIEST WAY TO PUT A TIRE ON A WHEEL EVER!


Order the proper size tire from American Motorcycle Tire (americanmototire.com), the best motorcycle tire supplier in the world.


Tire will arrive quickly via FedEx. Place tire in corner of garage. Go about your business for 11 months. Get tire out of corner of garage and take to Limecreek's house to have him mount it using his NoMar changer. Take him some cheap coffee or wine as "payment." [Yes, one could stop here, thinking this is the best easiest mount deal ever but wait, there's more!].


Place tire on hot concrete driveway in direct sunlight, at noon. Temperature must be at least 100 degrees. Tire gets very, very soft.


Place wheel on NoMar changer thing. Get hot tire (ouch, like a hot potato, use a rag or glove to pick it up) and put it on top of the rim. Then you and Limecreek literally press it on the rim with your hands, not even pressing hard!!!!! Bingo, done!


Uh, hmmm, man, that really went on easy. Let's see, oh look, it's a, uh, it's a 120/70-ZR 18 tire. Wait. The rim is a 17"er.


So, you see? Buy a tire one size larger than you need, and you can put it on with your bare hands!!!


So thoughts go like this: ohjeezdidIscrewupandorderthewrongtireI'llneverlivethatdownandLimeisstandingrightherehe'lltelleveryone!!!!


So email Vaughn at American Motorcycle Tire and tell him Uh, hey Vaughn, you remember that tire I ordered ELEVEN MONTHS AGO? It's the wrong size but I never checked and my wife had to get a new hip and we moved and I have to take care of my grandson all the time and I never get to ride my motorcycle any more and can you suggest an equitable solution???? I did check and thankgoodnessiorderedtherightsize!


Thinking, Vaughn is going to laugh and tell me to stuff it and maybe I can get a few bucks for it on Craigslist and just live with the constant ribbing and sniggering from so-called "friends."


But no. Vaughn emailed right back. He emailed me a return shipping label. My job is to get the tire to FedEx or Kinko's and when he gets the tire back he'll inspect it and send me a NEW ONE THE RIGHT SIZE!!!!! YAYYYYYYY!!


While this in no way reduces my stupidity, it sure speaks volumes about great customer service from a place that also offers perhaps the best prices on tires online. At least as good as anyone else.


So go ahead, take your shots, and when you order tires, be sure to tell Vaughn I sent you.... :dopeslap:

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My Rules:

1. If it was too easy you did something wrong.

2. You aren't that lucky-check again!

3. Murphy was an optimist.

You can borrow rule #1, :)

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Could happen to anyone....


I recall, as a kid, my mom bought me a new bicycle tire. I had told her I knew how to put it on. I may have stretched the truth, but I had heard stories.... So that afternoon I went out and proceeded to put it on. First, find Dad's one and only wrench - an 8" Crescent, and round off the nuts, just a little. Pretty soon I get it and off comes the wheel. A bit more, and the old tire is off. That was pretty straightforward, I'll have this done in no time, and my Mom will be proud and impressed! Maybe she'll let me work on the car next! Grab the tube and set it aside... pull out the new shiny black tire, set it on the rim and start stretching it around. Hmmmm... maybe I'm doing something wrong. So remove tire, look it over, and stretch it on again. Rats. Can't get it on there. I know: Go ask Mr. Fairburn next door (We had a Dennis the Menace - Mr. Wilson type relationship). He'll know what to do! So the nice old guy comes over and he gets out the tire irons (a couple of screwdrivers, one regular, one phillips) and we push and pull and prod and get nowhere. So we take it apart, and reassemble, and try it again. For 1/2 hour or more, we fought the good fight. After exhausting all of our brute strength, we finally surrendered. The only real casualty of our little war was the new tire. The screwdrivers had cut it to shreds. Bits of it were laying in the driveway. The wire bead was bent up and frayed in several places. Finally, Mr. Fairburn, completely befuddled, picks up the tire and inspects the sidewall. Then he picks up the rim and slowly turns it around. "Well, you got the wrong size tire, kid! You need a 21, and this is a 20". I'll see you later". With that, he turns and walks home, leaving me with my pile of junk and NO suggestions about how I'm going to explain this to my mother....


Just be glad you didn't have to explain it all to your mother!

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To make it ez, have the tire shipped to Limecreek's.



Actually, Tim, I'm sick of having to take everything all the way out to Lime's. I think he should come pick the bike up and return it with new tires, washed and waxed.


Let me repeat the unnecessary: American Motorcycle Tires is the BEST; get your tires there.

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Wow, sure will check them out the next time baby needs new shoes.


Good on them.


And how far to Lime's from Nashville, IL??????????

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He sent me a return label, paid for shipping, on Monday; Just got the notice that he's shipped a new tire via FedEx today. Would that everyone did business this way.

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Thanks for the recommendation of Vaughn at AMT!


I had a challenging situation, and his service was MORE than impressive!

He has earned all of my future business, and I encourage the rest of you to check him out.

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