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Schuberth C3 and Sena SMH10 question


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I recently purchased a Schubert C3 Pro helmet and I mounted my Sena SHM10 headset to it using the A302 clamp kit and the adhesive mount.

I installed the boom mike but I'm finding that I don't have much room for it and I find that it keeps getting moved out of place when I close the helmet.

I was thinking about attaching the wired mike ( not the boom ) to the front of the cheek pad.

I was wondering if anyone has experienced using the SMH10 wired mike in the C3 or C3 pro helmet? How well did it work?


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I use the wired mic with my Sena and C3 combo. I attached the wired mic just below the speaker and it sits perfectly for my head size and helmet.

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I use the wired mic with my Sena and C3 combo. I attached the wired mic just below the speaker and it sits perfectly for my head size and helmet.
Are you using the boom mic or the "wired mic"? Actually both are "wired" but according to the Sena website one is called the boom mic and the other is the wired mic. I'm not sure how you could have the "wired mic" below the speaker and have it work so I expect your using the boom style mic?
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Danny caddyshack Noonan


This may, or may not, help with a solution without a retrofit.

I've got the J&M, with a boom mic, on a Multitec. When I close the lid, I pull the front of the helmet down and use my thumb to position the boom mic, by pushing it in and up a tiny bit, to it's final position and then latch. I can't simply slam-close the lid anymore.

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Thanks for the input. That may well be the solution I have to use.

I was just wondering if rather than using the boom mic, the wired mic would work if placed somewhere in the front cheek pad area.


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I have a Shoe multitec with SMH10....The wired mic on the cheek pad did not work. Everyone said they could not hear me... went back to the boom and threaded it under the cheek pad..it is usually touching my chin under my lip...

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This guy used the boom.




Look at the last pic in the sequence. I have the SRC, i move the boom mic out of the way to close the front, reposition when closed. Just something that needs to be done every time. I rarely raise the front when on a ride though.


Keep looking, I have read those using the wired mic on the cheek pad but cannot find it now.


Good luck.



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I'm not sure how you could have the "wired mic" below the speaker and have it work so I expect your using the boom style mic?


This month's MCN had a review of five Bluetooth helmet audio systems, including the SENA SMH10 (which they rated highly). One of the units reviewed actually has the microphones (plural) integrated into the speakers some way.


The Schuberth representative was in Utah demonstrating and installing their SRC audio system in C3's. She showed how she leaves the boom mike outside under her chinbar most of the time when riding, because she mainly listens to music. When she does want to talk, she lifts the chinbar briefly and tucks the boom mike inside and closes it.

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Thanks for all your comments and links. I played around with the helmet and Sena tonight. After looking closer I don't have much space to mount the wired mic so I expect I'll be using the boom mic. I have moved the boom mic back so that mic barely extends from the cheek pad. As suggested, I still need to move the mic slightly when I close the front. The C3 with the chin flap doesn't give you much free space! I have not tried this setup while riding yet but I did call my friend using the Sena with my helmet on and he said he could hear me fine.

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I have the Sena and a Scorpion EXO-900 Transformer. My options for having the mic (boom) in place after closing the helmet are to either keep it outside and then tuck it back in under the chinbar, OR to actually hold the mic with my lips/mouth. I usually do the latter as it doesn't require any extra futtzing with the helmet/mic once it's closed. I also tend to keep the mic just below but within reach of my lips when riding. From what I've heard from people I've talked to while riding (which is a small group as I usually won't answer and don't make calls), the sound is much clearer when the mic is touching my lips lightly - this also works better to get Siri to find the right music for me. So, with the mic just below my lips normally, I sort of reach down with said lips and pull it up when I want to talk, and then push it back down when I don't want it there.


I would LOVE to figure out a way to have the wired mic mounted to the chinbar, but it would require a longer wire and even then I haven't figured out a way to route it that would keep it out of the way open and closed and also keep it away from the hinges/latch. (So if someone figures that out, please let me know!)

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