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Jimmy D

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Does anyone have any recommendation to a better windscreen than the standard stock one for a R1200RT?

I do not enjoy looking through a windscreen endless of course its raining out and would perfer it down as low as possable.

(Seen some types that divert the wind flow over the riders head)


Thanks Much!



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After 6 years of use, I am still very pleased with my CalSci screen.



I am 6'3" so went 2" over in height, and their standard width.


There are other screens that have more complete coverage for cold riding, but I prefer just a bit of airflow in the hot summers here. The CalSci has just enough, but still can provide a very quiet pocket for listening to music while still being 2" below sight line.

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I was looking at that type and liked the look of it in the smoked color.

But can you bring it down low and still have the wind divert away from you?

( i like it down about chin level)

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Not sure how much you want diverted. There's some wind when it's at its lowest though.


Since you're in MA if you want to do a roadtrip you can come down and borrow mine for an on-the-bike test. I can also toss you the Cal Sci or Cee Baileys to see if one of those makes you happier. The VStream is off the bike right now since almost everything is off the bike as I'm replacing the clutch.



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Does anyone have any recommendation to a better windscreen than the standard stock one for a R1200RT?

I do not enjoy looking through a windscreen endless of course its raining out and would perfer it down as low as possable.

(Seen some types that divert the wind flow over the riders head)


Thanks Much!



I have both a Cee Baileys +2" and a large VStream and prefer the vstream.



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Thanks Jim for that offer!


I did notice that the Ztechnik Vstream can be demo at Dunbar BMW....

I might drop by there to give it a whirl.

(don't want to put you out)


Thanks Jim!

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