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A Little Basecamp Trick


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I know a lot of you are much more knowledgeable about Basecamp than I am but, for the ones (like me) that are not experts, I discovered a nifty little feature that you might like.


When you highlight a route in the left window, it gets tagged with a title on the map as shown here:




If you then hover your cursor over the route (with either the pan hand or select tool active) you see some general information like this:




However, if you close that little title (click on the X) and then hover over the route, you'll see time and distance information relating to the location of your cursor on the route. As you change cursor position the data updates, like this:




Not Earth shattering but kind of cool. Although it escapes me right now, there is someplace in Basecamp where you can indicate the start time for any route. Thus the time information is relative to that.


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If you bring up the route info window (Get Info on the route), and then select the starting waypoint, a little clock symbol shows up on the right side (at least on the Mac version). Click that, and you can specify a departure time. I think you can also specify an arrival time on the end point and it will calculate backwards and figure out when you need to leave, but I haven't tried that.

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You can actually step thru the route and add stop time for each one as well as adjusting the times you arrive & leave.


I do that for rally routing - my bonus stops get 5 minutes of stop time, I then add in gas stops (just a stop in the general sequence of when I'll likely be needing it based on mileage, don't get precise about where) and put in 10 minutes for those and do the same for rest bonuses where I'll be stopped for some # of hours. That way I don't have to do any mental gymnastics to determine if I'm on track or not.


I average 2 minutes at a bonus and 5 minutes for fuel so I know I've got a cushion built in.


The other thing I do is create a custom routing profile as the average MPH estimates are wildly off here in the east. In many parts of the country state or county highways are 55mph (or more) divided highways...here they can be dirt roads. So I ratchet down the speeds on all of those so it doesn't overestimate how fast I am able to really travel over the ground.


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If you bring up the route info window (Get Info on the route), and then select the starting waypoint, a little clock symbol shows up on the right side (at least on the Mac version). Click that, and you can specify a departure time. I think you can also specify an arrival time on the end point and it will calculate backwards and figure out when you need to leave, but I haven't tried that.


That's a neat hint - thanks Bill. No one can ever accuse Garmin of letting us know too much about their products.

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Shiny Side Up
You can actually step thru the route and add stop time for each one as well as adjusting the times you arrive & leave.


I do that for rally routing - my bonus stops get 5 minutes of stop time, I then add in gas stops (just a stop in the general sequence of when I'll likely be needing it based on mileage, don't get precise about where) and put in 10 minutes for those and do the same for rest bonuses where I'll be stopped for some # of hours. That way I don't have to do any mental gymnastics to determine if I'm on track or not.


I average 2 minutes at a bonus and 5 minutes for fuel so I know I've got a cushion built in.


The other thing I do is create a custom routing profile as the average MPH estimates are wildly off here in the east. In many parts of the country state or county highways are 55mph (or more) divided highways...here they can be dirt roads. So I ratchet down the speeds on all of those so it doesn't overestimate how fast I am able to really travel over the ground.


DJ - this is perfect!


Thanks for the info - I need to play with BaseCamp some more.

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