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Stereo install on 2007 RT


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Finally got around to putting a cd / stereo deck into my r1200rt. Project went very smoothly, except that I ended up doing it twice... I mounted the unit in the glove box, having removed the box so that I could add a support to the bottom of the stereo. The angle bracket I used had two holes and I chose what I thought would be the right one. After I got it all together, I thought to take a couple of photos of the finished job and that's when I noticed that it was crooked in the glove box. The angle bracket created too much space b/w the side of the unit and the wall of the box and when viewed from the top, it looked way out of alignment. Well, I stood there looking at it, knowing that functionally it wouldn't make a bit of difference, and it being 9:30 at night, decided to leave it alone. Next day got home and decided I could have the plastic off and the unit aligned and back together before dinner got cold, so went ahead and made it right. Looks good now. I ran a line out from the unit to connect to the aux in on my Interphone F5 which works very well. Wired to my Eastern Beaver block and antenna mounted to the back luggage rack (I don't use a top box).


Next add will be some speakers to the space behind the stock grills though I note that many folks say you can't really hear any speakers on the road anyway. We'll see if those get added or not. Maybe if they're really great speakers, it would be ok. The unit itself has 280w into 4 channels so seems like it would be enough power.


I have a couple of shots of the work, but unfortunately I don't have a personal webpage so can't post them to this thread. If there's some other way to do that, let me know and I'll be happy to follow those instructions.


Good project, small scope, finished pretty quickly, nothing went wrong, and surprise - no trips to the hardware store!




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I have a couple of shots of the work, but unfortunately I don't have a personal webpage so can't post them to this thread. If there's some other way to do that, let me know and I'll be happy to follow those instructions.


You can post photos here, but you need to host them somewhere else. You don't need a personal web page. This board has a forum called Discussion Board Support. There you will find threads outlining how to post photos. Click HERE

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Ride tested the stereo this weekend and had great results. Was concerned whether I could get radio loud enough to hear through my ear plugs w/o distorting the speakers in my helmet. Crystal clear. Decided against putting actual speakers in the bike - dawned on me that I wouldn't be able to hear through my earplugs anyway and it's already likely that they won't be clear enough to hear even without earplugs. So I'll stick with the line out to my Interphone. If anyone is considering something like this, I'm happy to share any details of the install.

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