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New Battery - where to vent?


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I ordered a new battery. After being assured it was sealed, it arrived and naturally it is not. I'm stuck with it. Where do I vent the darn thing to? I don't have any hose or tube. I don't want the acid to spill out and run down the bike on a turn. Any thoughts?

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Aquarium air line tubing (Wally World will have it). Get a couple of feet and run it down the side of the battery (tape it to the side just as insurance against it vibrating loose) and then route it down the frame (gentle curves - no sharp kinks) to somewhere behind the footrests so it clears the metal bits. That way if it does vent it will hit the ground and not the metal parts of your bike.


Or just ignore it and leave it. If you're anything like me, you'll be inside the bike enough to catch any potential issues before they develop into problems :)

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