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Cot or air bed

Paul In Australia

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Paul In Australia


Riding RTs mostly solo on long trips. Just sick of therma rests etc as I am nearly 60, but love camping. Going to do some more motor camping in next few months. Super cold weather is not really an issue in Australia( not for motorcycling anyway) so the advice sought is

1. Lite cot or air mattress

2. Whichever you recommend?which brand name?

3. Operational issues?

4. Experiences packing one on an RT?



Best regards



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Not sure what you consider super cold, but just know that an air mattress is a horrible insulator. I was recently camping and only had an air mattress and light blanket. Freak cold front had 2 nights drop to around 50F and I absolutely froze on just the air mattress. For the same reason they are great during summer temps, but for cooler weather, the thermarest is still needed for insulation IMO.

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My wife and I use Exped air mattresses. They are available with a down filler in them that acts as an ground insulator.


They fit into a pouch about the size of a loaf of bread. They were recommended by another biker/camper and we have recommended it others. Our son-in-law is an avid northern BC Canada hunter and has used them under some quite adverse conditions.


They do take a few minutes to pump up but it is worth it for a good night's sleep.

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1. Lite cot or air mattress For bike camping go with a cot. Much more comfortable than an equivalent weight mattress.

2. Whichever you recommend?which brand name? LuxuryLite - It's an ultralight backpacking cot (under 3lbs for the original model) and is almost as comfortable as a Hennessey Hammock. You can get them here or Amazon I think. I have not tried their new mesh version.

3. Operational issues? The original fabric is a bit "crinkly" sounding when laying on it & moving about but not disconcertingly so that it impacts use or sleep. The mesh fabric doesn't do that from what I understand. The mesh is wider than the original but weighs more & packs a bit larger.

4. Experiences packing one on an RT? It's a short tube when packed & fits across the back seat or in my medium Motowizz bag from Aerostich. Smaller than most tents. About the size of a packed Kermit chair.


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Paul In Australia

Thanks JIm

That sounds like the go then. I will investigate a purchase. Probably have to order from USA.

Thanks for the help


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Hi Paul,


I use one of these.


Its easy to set up and take down and it packs small and light. I use it with a Thermarest. Almost as comfortable as my home bed. A bit pricy but worth it.


I tent camp solo and have a tall 4 person tent I can stand up in. I put the tent, thermarest and cot strapped to the back seat. Works for me.



This is how it looks loaded.



Here's a more recent "loaded" shot.



Here's my camping setup with new REI Chair which I also pack on the back seat. It's on the back seat in the newer "loaded" photo above but packs so small as to be invisible. The tent is a Eureka Sunrise 9.


Hope this helps.



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I use one of these.
Yep, that's the original LuxuryLite cot. The key is the torsion bars that give it some spring vs a conventional cot. I don't bother with a Thermarest during most weather - only if it's cold weather camping.
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Paul In Australia

Original luxury lite cot ordered and ships Monday out of USA.

Thanks guys. Just what I needed to complete the set up.

Therma rest will double up if needed but coming into Summer now in Queensland

Best regards

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Good choice! I've been using a Luxury Lite Cot for the last 3 years along with a Thermarest Neolite Mattress (you have to blow this one up, but it packs down to a very small size and weighs only a pound). Great combination, I sleep really well and it packs up easy on an RT.

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