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Harbor Freight Lift on Sale


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I got a flyer in the mail today with a coupon for a motorcycle lift. $299.99 and you can buy up to 3 on one coupon. The coupon may be available in the store. I'll mail mine out to the first one to ask in a PM.

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The coupon is in every issue of Rider Magazine. That's how I got mine. It's generally good for about 3 or 4 months from the magazine cover date.

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Seth, I'll buy a lift, tape the coupon to it, and mail you the whole package, COD. What is your address? FedEx next day good for you?


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Wow, this must be the friendliest forum ever. Well, except for the COD part.


Don't let eddd fool you. He's meaner'n a wolverine!

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Seth, I'll buy a lift, tape the coupon to it, and mail you the whole package. What is your address? FedEx next day good for you?


That's too good a deal to pass up.


Will you do the same for me???? :grin:

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  • 1 year later...


I believe this will be on sale Jan 9-11, 2015 at $257. Look for an online coupon and you may get it for cheaper.


I can't endorse this product, yet.

I'll have to wait until Jan 9.

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If it will help anyone I have the 25% off one item coupon good only on Jan 1. I was going to use it for a roll of electrical tape, but I'm willing to forgo my saving to help another.


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I got mine for $229.99 in Spokane last October. And, since I live in Montana, I didn't have to pay WA tax! Woohoo!


Seriously, it's a great addition to the shop. Right now, the Brick it on it getting it's yearly going-over. The RT next, but it takes two to get it on the lift. One thing I did was build a platform that I place on the left side when the lift is lowered for extra 'footage'. The width of the RT and a 24" lift platform is problematic for me.




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The sale price will be $295.XX,not 257.


With coupon still a great price. If advertized at that price the 25% can be used. They will not honor two coupons for one items. One can hope:-) that will bring he price down to around $ 220 if my in head math is right.

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One thing I did was build a platform that I place on the left side when the lift is lowered for extra 'footage'. The width of the RT and a 24" lift platform is problematic for me.
I made a few mods on mine as well. I drilled the pins the ramp uses to hook into the floor plate so I could use hairclips (the hardware kind, not the ladies kind) to keep it in place - I found a couple of times that it would bounce out while I was riding or pushing a bike on or off.


Also got some spray no-slip rubberized paint from Home Depot and painted the ramp and the rear part of the base deck - all the way to the front end of the panel that drops out under the rear tire.


In addition to the side platform (almost everyone I know who owns one of these makes one - they used to have a side extension available for the lift but not anymore), I bolted in a piece of angle iron (actually aluminum) on the front side about a third back from the front so I have a place for the side stand to rest on.


Also added 4 U-bolts to the base platform to give me places to hook ratcheting straps to so I can strap the bike to the platform. That way I'm not relying just on the wheel chock (I replaced the one that came with the lift with an alternative also from HF that I bolted to the lift) to keep it stabilized.


BTW, when you get one, make sure you pick up a bottle of hydraulic jack oil so you can fill the jack's reservoir. The instructions tell you to do it (it's not always full when shipped) but if you don't do it, sooner or later the jack is going to fail on you and the lift will crash to the floor.

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but if you don't do it, sooner or later the jack is going to fail on you and the lift will crash to the floor.

Even with the locking bar??? How does that work?

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Even with the locking bar??? How does that work?
The locking bar is somewhat cheesy - mine started bending on the first lift. It's likely the bar will still keep it from crashing even if it's bent (PITA to get it in the slots though).


But that's not going to help you when it drop like a rock on the way up before you get the locking bar in place. :-) Or worse while you're focused on fiddling the bar into place with your hands in the scissor lifting mechanism.


Trust me, follow the directions and fill up the jack with hydraulic fluid.

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