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A big 'THANK YOU' to 'Arizona Al' for helping me fix my tire. I had sent Al and a couple other members a note looking for a good place in Phoenix to get a tire, because I wasn't sure I could get a repair kit fast enough to fix it before I head for the Left Coast next Saturday and even if I had, I was a bit apprehensive about trying it myself. Al got back to me and said to give him a call. I told him about the screw in the tire and he said he had a great system to plug the hole. This is not a mushroom or a string system, not even sure how to explain it other than to say it plugs the hole, puts a knot on the inside and then the knot heats up and vulcanizes itself to give essentially a plug and a patch. So, anyway, here it is on a Sunday afternoon, I'm a complete stranger, and Al says 'Come on over'. Turns out he's less than 3 miles from me. It takes just a few minutes to fix the tire, I put it back on the bike and we're in business. Not only do I get my tire fixed, but I get my first face to face meeting with somebody on the forum. Double win!


Al has these patch kits for sale ($14.00...such a deal) and he can probably explain it better. I hope I don't need it again, but if I do I'll be ready.

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