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Lifting the front of the seat on an RT


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So last year I was lucky enough to have both an ST1300 (Honda Pan European) and a 2008 RT1200.

I'm 6'5" with 33 inch inseam, and fitted a Motorcycle Larry seat raising kit to the ST, which lifted the front of the stock seat, and it made a real difference.


Now I'm down to a new RT1200, and wondered if anyone else has considered a kit that lifts the front of the seat a couple of inches further than its highest setting.


I'd be 'happy' to get a new taller seat, but don't seem to have any try before you buy and am not going to buy one without sitting on one for an hour or so.


I tend to end up sitting on the join between both seats at the moment (long legs?), and even the seat on my new RT (1500 miles) has a crease where I seem to have pushed the vinyl down from the back of the seat.


A bracket that fitted into both current seat levels, and then moved the seat pin up an inch or so might make all the difference.


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If it's any use, Touratech will let you try before you buy, if you get to their premises in Ystradgynlais, South Wales.

Their 'high' seat appears to only be 3cm higher than standard which may not be enough.

Sorry I can't help with suggestions for raising your OE seat though.


I bought a pair of seats from them a couple of years ago for my 2006 RT and am very happy with them.

My purchase was for seat comfort, rather than height however.

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Thanks Ian, I have contacted them about their seats and didn't know they did a try before you buy.


I chatted to Tony Archer, who is in the north of the UK and my partner lives in Manchester so I will have an excuse to go up from Kent on the RT to see her!


Tony says he can do anything that's needed, and he prefers to see me and the bike first.


if I do come up, I see your not far away, so if your about and fancy a ride out, it would be good to say hello.


As to height, it might be that a wider seat makes life easier, but the knees tend to get cramp if I leave them in too tight a position, so raising worked on the ST. (Perhaps I need to take up yoga to increase my core strength).





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