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I replaced an aftermarket tankbag this fall with a BMW tankbag on my 07 RT and here's a few observations.1,If you still use paper maps put them in a plastic bag first,the seal system on the BMW bag leaves something to be desired,plus you cant take it off the tank bag. 2,if you put something in zippered pouch in the top of the bag and it rains ,its going to get wet,there is no external rain cover just a drawstring internal one.3,you have to remove the bag to fill up,not just flip it up.For the price I was expecting better,i wouldn't recommend this bag over an aftermarket,the only thing I like is the mounting system,if I could figure out a way to mount another bag on the mount I would.These are just my opinions,and today was the first day I got caught in the rain with the bag,lol,


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you have to remove the bag to fill up,not just flip it up.
I'm working on making a curved hinge to allow me to mount the side of the baseplate to the side of the tank rail so I can just flip it (or pull it upward off the pin to remove it). Getting the curvature right is trial & error for me but I'm just learning CAD and having the 3D printer lets me make a lot of prototypes on the way to getting it right.
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clip--if you put something in zippered pouch in the top of the bag and it rains ,its going to get wet,there is no external rain cover just a drawstring internal one--clip


Morning woodnfly


The internal waterproof membrane works fairly decent for the inside stuff but I seldom use it as it is a pain to use.


I have many/many thousands of miles on the stock BMW tank bag & what I have found is that it works decent as is in light & light/moderate rain with no problems or water intrusion.


For riding in heavy rain, or parking with the tank bag on in heavy rain, or for overnight parking in wet weather or heavy dew/fog I use a large size shower cap pulled over the entire tank bag top.


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I'm working on making a curved hinge to allow me to mount the side of the baseplate to the side of the tank rail so I can just flip it (or pull it upward off the pin to remove it). Getting the curvature right is trial & error for me but I'm just learning CAD and having the 3D printer lets me make a lot of prototypes on the way to getting it right.


Maybe my imagination is inadequate, but I think your computer is letting you design something that will not work in reality. Hinges bind when they do not pivot around a straight line.

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sorry hit the wrong key.in light rain it was fine,yesterday was not LIGHT rain so now I know,ill definitely find an exterior cover for it,if I keep it.


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Maybe my imagination is inadequate, but I think your computer is letting you design something that will not work in reality. Hinges bind when they do not pivot around a straight line.
True enough. But although the bag follows the curve of the tank, there are straight sections. What it requires is a pair of straight sections with an expansion offset to the side so it doesn't just flip over but it flips and slides a bit sideways & up (to clear the tank curve). It's some complex geometry which is why there's a bunch of trial & error for me (a real mechanical engineer could probably do it with less iterations but I'm an electrical & software guy so I'm handicapped).
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Maybe my imagination is inadequate, but I think your computer is letting you design something that will not work in reality. Hinges bind when they do not pivot around a straight line.
True enough. But although the bag follows the curve of the tank, there are straight sections. What it requires is a pair of straight sections with an expansion offset to the side so it doesn't just flip over but it flips and slides a bit sideways & up (to clear the tank curve). It's some complex geometry which is why there's a bunch of trial & error for me (a real mechanical engineer could probably do it with less iterations but I'm an electrical & software guy so I'm handicapped).


That might work. Let us know what you come up with. I do get tired of balancing my bag on the seat for fill ups.


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I got the tank bag when I bought my 2011 RT, thinking it would be terrific. After all, BMW went to all the trouble to put those ugly mounting rails over the gas tank (a feature unique to BMW, I believe) So imagine my disappointment when actually using the tank bag. Sure, it clips on and off easily. But the map case is absurd - can't be removed, and the fold-over-tuck-under closure system is crazy. The inside water guard isn't the best idea either. A simple coated nylon cover would work better. While it may not be BMW's modus operandi, sometimes you just need to look at what the other guys are doing and copy it.



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Me 3 :)


Never had a leak even in gullywhumpers (most rallies I ride tend to be rainy, won't rain if I can't make it or am helping staff it) or snow & ice.


I don't leave it on the bike in the rain overnight without a bike cover. I'm finally replacing the plastic map cover though. I've got a couple of splits in it (Gorilla duct tape keeps the water out of it) and it's gotten pretty yellow. Got a Wolfman map case to attach (someone here had some decent info on how-to) using Velcro after cutting out the old plastic with a razor blade.


I think it's a little big...only because I tend to fill the capacity of whatever luggage item/backpack/etc I have.

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