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Autocomm- where to start


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Went for a ride of a couple hundred miles today and within minutes of leaving the garage the autocomm went dead. Short while later it kicked back in so I started to keep a log in my head for the duration of the ride. It seemed to run in about five minute intervals. It would work for approximately 30 seconds and then go dead for about 3-5 minutes then restart (the sequence of beeps as the Bluetooth linked). Did this for the entire ride. It was a very wet ride home so I didn't pull the seat to check connections but will do that tomorrow. Any other ideas of what it might be would be appreciated.


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I'd start by looking at the power connection. If the BT had to re-pair each time, that sounds like it had lost power, not just audio to your headset.

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I had a similar problem with my 660 last year turning on and off randomly. Turned out that the ground wire connection to my under seat fuse block was loose. It's been fine ever since then.


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Pulled the seat for a look before I headed out today and found that I had removed the cover for the Russell after returning from a previous ride and stuffed it in on top of the unit. I had knocked the ground loose and it was intermittent.

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