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My lovely wife is riding in a better place.

Stan Walker

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Stan Walker

Some of you may remember my wife Jan, she attended the first UN, several Death Valley Days, and numerous Torreys.


She has been suffering from declining health for the last several years and passed away this last Saturday, the 1st of March.


She was a sweet lady, far nicer than me. I was lucky to have her. She will be missed, leaving behind myself, 3 sons, and 2 grandchildren.


She started riding fairly late in life, she was 51 years old at the time. During her all too brief riding career she rode both an F650 Funduro, her first bike, and later she acquired my ’96 R1100RT. Between the two bikes she rode a grand total of about 50,000 miles.




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Oh Stan, I am so very sorry for your enormous loss, but thank you for sharing it with us. You and Jan are long time family here. Sending you warm hugs of comfort and support.

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Stan, sorry to hear of your loss. Great to hear you have the sons and especially the grandchildren. Hope you get to spend some time with the young ones! No better therapy than grandkids.

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Oh, Stan. You've been a member here for a very long time and you've spoken so lovingly of Jan that it's hard to accept she's gone. My sincerest condolences to you and your family for your loss. I hope, somehow, that the miles you two shared together enrich your memories of the blessed years you had with her, until you can both ride together again.

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My sincere condolences. I think we met at a Torrey gathering many years ago. There's not much to say at times like this other than sending my thoughts to you and your family.


Take care,

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My condolences Stan.

Loosing a loved one is the hardest part we have got to go through in life. Hoping for you that sunny days are just around the corner and you are left with fond memories only.

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Stan, I'm sorry to hear that. My wife and I are closing in on 45 years of marriage, and whichever of us goes first, the other is going to have a tough time. Having 3 sons and 2 grandchildren is a great asset in a difficult time like this.

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We are sorry to hear of your loss.

Cherish the memories.

To share a great love is truly a blessing.

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Stan, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a spouse is painful experience and the loneness is tough. Please lean on your friends and family to get you through the grief. Time heals.

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Linda and I remember meeting you and Jan up in Banff years ago. I think you were still living in Colorado at the time.


Our condolences. You and your children and grandchildren are in our thoughts.


Mike Cassidy

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Stan, I'm so sorry you've lost Jan after all these years of companionship and love. I am deeply touched that you shared this with all of us. Our prayers are with you and your family.

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Stan, I do remember Jan from Un#1 in Gunnison, as well as a few other events. She seemed like a sweet lady. Please accept my deepest condolences.


I dug through the pictures of Gunn1, and found this pic of you and Jan. (taken by Brant Herbert, I think)






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oH sTAN, so very sorry to hear this.

I wish I had words to convey the sorrow.

I thank you for sharing this sad news with us.

I will pray for you and the remaining family and for the repose of Jan's soul.

Pax Christi'



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Dear Stan,

Gar and I are so sorry for your loss. Jan has a beautiful smile and looks very happy in the photo. Obviously you were part of the reason. Wishing you and your family peace.

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Thinking of you and the great asset you've been to this board over the years. You've always been a voice of knowledge, moderation, help, and friendship. I think we all share in your loss.

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Sorry for your loss Stan. My family's thoughts and prayers are with you as you move through this time.

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Stan Walker

I would like to give a BIG thank you to everyone who has so kindly posted to this thread. Thank You so very much! In the years to come I am sure I will re-read it many times.


Riding was a part of Jan's life that she truly enjoyed a lot. As do I. Perhaps someday, somewhere, we will ride together again.



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I hope peace and comfort find their way to you and your family in this very difficult time.


Thinking about and praying for you,

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