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My lovely wife is riding in a better place.

Stan Walker

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Jerry in Monument

Stan, I don't know you and have not been active here in a while, but my thoughts and prayers go out to you.


99.99999% of the time the women we marry are far better people than we men are and enrich our lives beyond measure.


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No real words I can type can help you heal from such a massive loss, but my strongest and most heartfelt condolences to you Stan. So very sorry for your loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Wishing you and your family warmest wishes and condolences on your loss. The members of this board are like a family too. When one is lost we all feel it in our hearts.

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Stan Deepest respects. Never meet you. Probably never will. Yet I was holding my new grandson last Saturday and thinking of you. Glad you have family around, especially those grandkids. Take care.



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