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Best Satellite Radio for LD riding


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What is the best XM Satellite radio kit for a Motorcycle.

If I just wanted music I would use a MP player.

I know that works, but I want talk & news

Thanks in advance

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+1 on Zumo/XM. I've had it about 6 years on 3 BMWs, no probs.


BTW, you can cut and solder the XM30 cord successfully in case you want to shorten it or route it somewhere

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I've used the XM Roady2 for over 10 years. It has a nice size screen, though after a little use you know without looking how to find the stations you want. The controls are easy to use with gloves and the unit is quite robust. There are buttons for 10 stations you can pre-select as well as 3 bank of pre-selected choices giving you 30 stations you can select by pushing one or two buttons. There is no practical way to adjust the volume as you ride since it does not have a volume control. You can pre-set the volume level and then control it with a simple volume control like this.


Ebay always has lots of them for sale at very reasonable prices.


The one weak point is the power jack on the unit. Over time the circuit board the jack is attached to can crack causing the power to cut on and off. It is a pretty easy fix to re-solder the connection, or you can just buy another unit since they are pretty inexpensive. This problem will take quite a while to surface. I'd say it took 4 years for mine to give me a problem. I switch the same unit among 4 vehicles which contributes to the problem with the power jack.








Here is the volume control.




I've recently switch over to an Amplirider to contol the volume and allow me to switch easily between the XM and an mp3 player.


Here is a write up of my newest configuration.

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I think I have to add a caveat to my endorsement of the Zumo. It is the most expensive possible way to add xm to your bike. You can buy a cheap XM receiver on eBay for under $50 and it will work every bit as well. The money you save will pay for your XM subscription for years.

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The third picture above shows the small antenna that comes with the receiver. It's mounted on the brake reservoir with velco. It is magnetic, but obviously that wouldn't work in the location pictured.

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Looks like the Roady II is going to be the ticket & a couple of Volume controls.

Alright now who should I get the subscription from or is there just Sirus?


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I happened to notice that also, but what the hey.

Sirius looks like the provider I will go with.

Thanks for the Input

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I used Sirius for years then switched to XM when we got a Toyota that came bundled with XM so the two-fer price drove the decision.


XM and Sirius have essentially the same programming these days ... I think there is more sports programming on XM but I really just listen to a handful of common channels anyway.


So with price and programming about the same, the only difference is reception and in that area I would have to say that Sirius reception was markedly better for me. Less drop outs under tree cover and better overall coverage in hilly terrain (think Blue Ridge Parkway). Others may report differently but I lean to Sirius for that reason.

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