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Purchasing from Migsel


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I purchased a Migsel GPS mount back in March. I know the company is located outside of the US but assumed the transaction would be smooth. So far, I'm out a couple hundred bucks, no mount and no response to my inquirey for estimated shipment or delivery. I'm really bummed because I have a trip in a few days and no way to mount my GPS and phone. For those of you who own the mount, how many weeks did you wait to receive your package? Did you receive any sort of shipping info?


Note: I'm not bashing the company... I just want my stuff! A little communication would go along way in easing my concerns..

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I have noticed the Migsel mounts but have not ordered one yet. I would be interested in hearing about how your issue resolves itself.


I have been waiting since March 19th for my boots to arrive from Italy via Fed Ex. The seller was very responsive. 3 more days for me.


So give it some more time. You can always dispute the cost if you used a credit card.





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Know its not answering your question,but get some RAM mounts from either local dealers,or GPS City(they ship fast!)so you can get stuff mounted for the trip.



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I had a Migsel mount and yes no communication, but just arrived one day. Mount was excellent but feedback is basically zero from the company.

The hold up could be at your end as now everything has to be screened.

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Timing is everything! I received a response from Migsel this morning! They received my order and will ship at the first possible opportunity! Plus another 2-3 weeks for overseas shipping.

Based on this, it doesn't sound like they shipped it yet!! I guess I'll have to be patient for another month. Not much I can do about it.

I do like the suggestion to buy some RAM bits for a temporary work around. As it turns out, I already purchased a few other pieces so I may only need a bike mount to make what I have work.. Good idea!!

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Know its not answering your question,but get some RAM mounts from either local dealers,or GPS City(they ship fast!)so you can get stuff mounted for the trip.




Amazing how the obvious things are often the most difficult to see!! Hey thanks for the tip to buy some RAM bits. As it turns out, I had everything except a ball mount for the bike. Hermy's Cycle up the road in Port Clinton, PA has a RAM ball stud to mount to the handlebars.. so for a couple bucks I'll have a great temporary setup till my permanent mount arrives!! Thanks a million for the tip!!


Will be 35 degrees tomorrow morning, headed out to see the 911 memorial in central PA with a bunch of other riders.


First overnight group ride of the season with my lady on the back!! Her first time riding below 45 degrees. Looking forward to it like it's a test ride on a new bike!!

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