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garmin zumo 550 map question


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I bought a used 550 here and it had the Western US and Canada maps.


Went to the gramin website and hooked up the machine, registered it and tried to download the entire US (which was available for download). Got error message "Not enough room"


Have SD card installed.


How big of an SD card do you need to install the whole US maps?


Anyone know?

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I bought a used 550 here and it had the Western US and Canada maps.


Went to the gramin website and hooked up the machine, registered it and tried to download the entire US (which was available for download). Got error message "Not enough room"


Have SD card installed.


How big of an SD card do you need to install the whole US maps?


Anyone know?


Did you specify to download to the SD card and not the Garmin itself? That could be the issue.

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Afternoon Bud


That depends on how much you want to install on the GPS internal drive & how much you want to install on the SD card.


I usually install all the US, part of Mexico, Canada, & my 24K off road mapping on the SD card then install my state ONLY on the GPS internal drive.


If you need to get an SD card then get at least a 2 gig, with 4 gig preferred. If you have the latest updates it (550) will take an 8 gig, & probably bigger yet (I haven't personally verified anything larger than the an 8 gig though.


In any case, the best way I have found to download & install the entire North America (US, Mexico, Canada, Alaska, etc) on the 550 is to download the entire map to my computer (first), then use Map Source or Map Install to break the map up & install part to the 550 internal drive & the remainder to the SD card.

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I have a 4Gb in mine and never been a problem. what is likely happening is you are trying to store on the Zumo storage which has virtually nothing. When you are downloading the new maps, you get to make a choice of PC only, PC and device, Device only. I always select PC only and put the SD card into my PC. Then I point the download to the SD card. Put the SD card back in the Zumo and you will be good. Also put all your MP3 files on the SD card. It's one of Garmins silly problems. Memory is dirt cheap and they leave virtually none for you to work with.

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I believe the latest US map in its entirety is about 1.6GB as it sits on the device.

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Thanks for all the replies.


Will download to PC and then send the files to the SD card.


Appreciate you all taking the time to help me out. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Evening Bud


Just keep in mind that if your SD card has a map on it now that will be overwritten so if you want to save the map that's on your SD card now copy it to a folder on your computer before downloading another map to the SD.

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Thanks to your help, I've loaded it all to the SD card and it's in the machine and working great.



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Morning Bud


That's a good sign.


One possible problem if all new mapping is loaded to the SD card is:


IF you have any of the old mapping remaining on the main drive of your GPS & it isn't un-ticked then you can run into corrupt routing when your route crosses into an area where both the new & old map are running.


As a quick check-- Boot the GPS, then click on the wrench (lower right on screen), then click MAP (top left), then click MAP INFO (center bottom)-- Just make sure ONLY your new mapping is ticked. If you find something like BOTH 2014.4 & 2012.3 listed with ticks in the square boxes on both maps then simply untick the oldest mapping to disable it.


One reason I load all updated mapping to the SD card except my state is that assures any old mapping on the main GPS drive is overwritten by the new state mapping.


If you end up with an area on the map that is running BOTH the new map & the old map (one can run over the other without you knowing it) & the mapping isn't EXACTLY the SAME then the routing can go crazy if it finds the same named road in slightly different places or in any way changed.

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