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Glenn Reed

My experience with titles, is that they are controlled by your state's DMV, not the manufacturer or seller.


Assuming you are talking about a new bike purchased from a dealer, the dealer would be the one responsible for sending all the proper paperwork to the DMV, and then DMV would send the Title to you. I would check with the dealership, they probably have someone who handles these things all the time, and they would be able to shed some light on the situation.

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Mine took about two weeks but it came back with the letters GS on it. :( Still don't know who made the mistake, insurance co or registry but it cost me an hour standing in line at the DMV to get it fixed. Probably should consider myself lucky it was only an hour. :eek:



You should have gotten the certificate of origin from the dealer and an RMV1 form. Insurance stamp at your agent and a trip to the registry or DMV. Pays the money (sales tax, title, reg) and get your registration. Good to ride after that. Two weeks or so, check your mail. This is how it works in Ma.





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The dealer took care of the registration and put a plate on it. I don't think they gave me certificate of origin but I will have to look.

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The certificate of origin stays with the DMV and then they issue you a Ma title. Different states do it differently I guess.



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If the weather holds out a little today the wife and I are going to test ride the GTL today. Max BMW has a bunch of 2014 to choose from if I decide to make the change.

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The classification thing always causes confusion in Calif.

The classification for any street bike is "RS" so people would get their title and call us and complain that they bought an RT or LT or R, not an RS.

It can take up to 2 months for our DMV to get the title to the owner on a new bike sale. A few weeks sounds pretty good. California.

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I hope you like it... I've been feeling your pain in seeing your posts since you first got the RTW... sometimes, no matter what logic, the dealer, or others tell you... a bike just isn't for you.. nothing wrong with that. I was lucky last week that a guy let me take his GTL for a ride...and have to say I was incredibly impressed. I can't compare it to a RTW, or any other RT, as I ride a RS... but I have never ever considered a large K bike, but the GTL is not at all like a LT. I couldn't believe I was on a bike that is at least 280 lbs more than mine. pegs, grips, seat.. were all perfect... and under way felt very light, and take off and slow speed maneuvering was confidence inspiring, a lot easier than the motions I have to do feathering clutch, gas, and rear brake, good luck!! I hope it suits you.

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Thanks Rich. The couple test rides I took by myself I really liked the bike. It felt really comfortable and everything was the perfect reach for me. Hope the wife likes it.

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eager to know how the test ride went... :grin: but on your OP, maybe a call to dmv to ask in general how long the normal turn around is in your state, then a call to the dealer to see when they actually submitted the paperwork to the dmv.. some dealers may do this daily if convenient, others may only do it once a week. I got my Texas title in about 3 weeks.

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Test ride went well. The bike is comfortable and my wife thought the bike rode well. The only downsides I found were:

The screen in the down position is right at eye level. All the way down and my wife said she was getting beat up by turbulence. Bring it up just a little and I'm looking thru the screen which I never liked.

The bike does put off some heat on the legs especially from the left side. Wondering how it would be in 90 degree heat.

A little twitchy, cross winds seemed to move the bike around quite a bit, thought the extra weight of the bike would make it more planted.

We came home and decided to go for a ride on the RT(first time for her) and within 3 miles it started to downpour and lightning. Had to come back home. In the few minutes on the RT she commented that she was sitting on her hands when using the grab rails, the foot pegs were small compared to the GTL and the suspension seemed bouncy. May have to try one more test ride to make sure we are ready to give up on the RT.

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The funny thing is I don't remember the test rides I took on the 2013 RT having such a choppy ride.

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The subject changed because someone had a response from a previous thread that actually related to the Title question.

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NC titles are also about 3 weeks and are sent after dealer submits paperwork. Nothing needs to be done by purchaser, indeed there is nothing that can be done to speed it up.


Re the GTL, all our club pillion riders say its no where near as good as the LT..I don't ride in back so have no personal opinion.

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My Title also showed up as R1200 GS. When you went to the DMV what did they do for you? Do they have to issue you a new Title and wait another three weeks?

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Wow, that's weird! I had my dealer send me a copy of the certificate of origin and sure enough it said RT on it. Actually said R120RT but not GS. They changed it to what was on the C/O and the new title showed up about a week later.


Now watch, I probably screwed it up! :dopeslap:




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Yes, the DMV reissued me a new title saying R120RT instead of R1200GS. And why the missing 0, they said it wouldn't fit. :dopeslap:



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They didn't have room for another 0 because massachusetts takes up too much room :grin: It took 5 weeks to get mine by the way, but it did come with all the 0's.

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