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RT Tank Bag Security


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Am I missing something, or is there no way to secure the tank bag whilst you go to the facilities at a highway stop ?

Seems a shame to have to remove the bag and carry it with you each time you are out of sight of the bike...

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No provision for locking is provided, and I have never heard of any devised by a user. But then, in thirty years of tank bag & unlock-able soft luggage usage, I've never had anyone mess with any of my gear.

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I've never had a problem, but when away from my moto for any more than a few minutes, I slide my Big Mak tank bag off and carry it along (unfortunately, this tank bag is no longer made).


If you were to put your mind to it, you could no doubt use something like a Pacsafe cable lock to secure it. Something like this could be circumvented, but, generally speaking, if you employ any significant impediment to theft, the rats will look elsewhere.





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Easy enough to drill a hole and fit a lock in the top latching connection up by the bars. A small lock will fit in and not get in the way. That keeps anyone from grabbing it and running but doesn't stop anyone from cutting into the nylon and stealing things out of it that way. You can keep the casual lifter from taking things but not the determined thief.

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Buy a clip-on belt holster. Clip it (empty) to the zipper lip or a side-pocket of your tank bag when you leave it unattended. There's no such thing as theft proof, but there are theft deterrents. This would qualify as the latter.


Only partially kidding.

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The little cable gun locks that you can usually get free at the cop shop work great on tons of stuff like helmets and tank bags. It's got about a 14-16" of cable. You might be able to rig something up. A set of medium bolt cutters will make short order of it, but they work pretty well. PM me if you need and can't find one, I've got a few extras.


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Afternoon Over


This has been hashed around in the past (maybe search the archives).


At one time I looked at making little "L" brackets to allow locking the actual latch. Wouldn't be too difficult to do.


When I thought it through my thought was that locking the tank bag to that flimsy plastic tank top surround made no sense as a good aggressive grab & pull would not only pull the tank bag free but would also ruin the tank top plastic & possibly other Tupperware parts. If this happened on a trip it could be a problem.


Same with using a cable tether, someone would probably grab the tank bag & snatch it off with great force & hurriedness therefore having the tank bag pull out of their hands & trash my tupperware.


So my final though was to just leave it as it is & if someone wants it then so-be-it. It's insured as well as the contents & easy enough to replace the bag & contents. Probably need a new one by then anyhow.


Same with my helmet, never lock that up either, but so far nobody wants the stinky thing so it has always been there when I come back. Too bad as I could use a new one.

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I can't find the thread, but someone came up with an idea a few years ago for the 1200RT. They drilled through the tank bag frame, and installed a small "U" bolt over the release device. They put a small pad lock through the bolt. You can't press the release device with the lock installed.

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Afternoon Burt


That was the idea behind the little "L" brackets. One bolted on each side of the release handle center tang (the thing that moves up to show release).


A hole drilled in each "L" bracket would allow a small padlock to keep that center tang from lifting up & releasing the tank bag.

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Twisted Throttle sell sw-motech bags that can be locked on to a bike. They attach by a tank ring. Inside the bag one places a pin that locks the bag to the bike. If one then uses a small lock (they sell one with a cable) to lock the zipper one can not open the bag to unlock it from the bike. Even if one is not locking the bag one would need to know how to remove this bag.

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If one then uses a small lock (they sell one with a cable) to lock the zipper one can not open the bag to unlock it from the bike.
Almost any bag with a nylon zipper can be opened (non-destructively) by poking a sharp object (like a pen) in between the teeth of the zipper. It will then open to both sides of the pen. Not worth locking the zipper pulls together. And if I want what's inside and it ain't mine, I'm not feeling too broken up about having to slash the fabric with the blade I carry :)
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