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Navigator V problems


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My Navigator V has been with the dealer for seven weeks, waiting for a replacement!


BMW Customer services told me today that BMW have stock, but they are not releasing them?


The unit went wrong after I did a Garmin update, and kept on rebooting.


I'm not happy that neither the dealer or BMW Customer Service get back to me and I have to do all the running and call them each week.



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Afternoon Over


Did you try removing the battery for few minutes to force a reset?


I borrowed a friends nav V to see if I liked it & it locked up on me so I had to remove the battery to force a reset. (pain in the butt as there are screws to remove to get to battery)


Another issue: I first ran it in portrait mode & couldn't see the darn screen with my sunglasses on. Called my friend as I thought it was broken & he said need to use to use in landscape mode to see the screen with sunglasses on.

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I called Garmin first, they did some hard resets and talked me through various resets, including removing battery and leaving in for a few mins.


Sadly it seems the problem is terminal, and may not be an isolated incident if I understand the stock that's being sat on...

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Morning Over


That pretty well covers about all that could be done on your side.


I talked to my friend last night & he has had a few lock ups but manly having to do with the back light settings inducing it.


He also isn't real thrilled with the route resume functions as it wants to take you to the incorrect route resume point if you don't precisely pick your resume point (assuming you even know that).

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I had noticed that 'feature' and was suitably impressed by the need for the Garmin to slavishly follow the route!

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If the Nav V is updated to the latest firmware version, you have the option of discarding waypoint(s). In fact, you can even add a shortcut button to the map screen to call up that function (which is what I have done).

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Evening Over


Thanks, please keep us updated on how that V works out for you & any glitches that you find.

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