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Scala QZ. And iPhone 5s


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Just recently got Scala QZ headset which I am a big fan. I had an iPhone 4s that worked beautifully with it. Unfortunately the phone broke and replaced with newer version 5s.


Initially it seemed to work the same but it wouldn't transmit over boom mike thought I damaged the mike somehow?


I have now learned that can't transmit voice and data over LTE network? Not sure that I exactly get it but iPhone would have to add a 3rd internal antenna? Either way if it's a network or iPhone issue? The bottom line if I turn off LTE the headset works as advertised.


Just sharing information




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That's odd. I have a 5 and use the LTE almost all the time with even my old G4 and the G9.

I have a friend who had to get a 5S When he lost his 4S and same story with G9.

Can you please call Cardo help line to clarify this? They are in New York so mind the time diff.

There is one thing to check.

Have someone call you while QZ is on and helmet on and phone in your hand.

When the incoming call comes in, check the icons and look carefully.

The icon that normally says "answer" now says "audio" it looks identical, but it's labeled audio. (Upper right?)

Tap the audio button and it will give you a choice to answer the call:

Scala QZ



Be sure to tap Scala QZ.

Of this occurs, this should cure it and you won't have to repeat this set up stage.

Just a thought.

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Thanks TRI750 for the advice. I did as you suggested and it already worked as you described. It is purely a transmitting issue?


I then called Cardo they sent me an instruction sheet that instructs me delete the connection. Turn phone off. Then renew the pairing. It did work after the renew process at least when 3G is selected. Havent messed it with in LTE yet?




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Heres the instructions:


Thank you for contacting Cardo Systems Support Center regarding our products.


To resolve your connection issue please reset the devices and create all new pairings.


Please do a soft reset of the phone by deleting the headset from the phone and turning the phone off for at least 15 seconds and taking out the battery, if possible. I prefer leaving the phone off during the reset and pairing process of the QZ modules and intercom connection.


Then Reset the QZ modules Bluetooth Pairing (Deletes all paired devices)


1. In Standby, press “V+” for 5 seconds until LED flashes RED/BLUE.


2. Press “MM” for 2 seconds until LED flashes 5 times in PURPLE.



After the QZ module is paired you will turn off the headset, then turn your phone on and confirm the QZ is no longer listed in the compatible Bluetooth devices list.




Next you will pair the phone.


1. Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your phone.


2. Check the scala rider is in Standby (single BLUE flash every 3 seconds).


3. To pair Bluetooth Channel 1 – press “V+” for at least 5 seconds until the RED and BLUE LEDs begin rapidly alternating. To pair Bluetooth Channel 2 – press “V-” for at least 5 seconds until the RED and BLUE LEDs begin rapidly alternating.


4. Search for Bluetooth devices on your phone by following the device’s instructions.


5. After a few seconds the device will list “scala rider QZ”. Select it.


6. If prompted for a PIN or Passkey, enter 0000 (four zeros).


7. The device will confirm that pairing has succeeded and the scala rider will begin flashing slowly in BLUE.


8. If Pairing is not completed within 2 minutes, the scala rider will return to Standby mode.


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Please keep us updated.

But since the original problem was with LTE, check it out man!

I use LTE more than I should (much to the wife's aggravation) on G4 and G9 so can imagine the QZ having a glitch. But, if it does, Scala will update I'm sure. You can't be the inky one having tan issue, if in fact the prob is on their end.

Good luck!

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