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Grocery Bags.


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Here is a quick tip for everyone.... I keep a couple of old plastic grocery bags on my bike in case of rain. We all know how much of a pain it is getting our rain gear on in a hurry!!! Put your boots into the grocery bags BEFORE putting your feet into your riding gear..........and your feet will not hang up on your rain gear. Just remember to remove the bags afterward, you'd get some REALLY weird looks if you don't!! LOL!!!!

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I use larger garbage bags for the same purpose. I then slide them onto the seat when I stop. You have to remove the seat to do so, but it's not a big deal. I sat on a wet seat one too many times once the sun started shining. I guess I could break down and buy a cover when storing it for the night, but I am cheap.

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When traveling, if its raining hard or really cold, I pull the plastic bag out of the wastebasket in my hotel room. Under that bag is a stash of clean unused bags. It seems to be a universal maid trick.


I put one of each on my feet before stepping into my motorcycle boots. This helps a lot when it's a day long drenching rain and also when it's really cold outside. The bag provides a little pocket of comfort for the feet.

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The bags can then be used to keep wet separate from dry after the rain.



There is no end to the possibilities!



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Great suggestions!! Another thing I like to do on trips is take "disposable clothes". You know, old shirts that are stained, or torn. Wear them, and each night, throw them away. The longer out you go, the more room you have in your saddlebags with NO DIRTY CLOTHES to haul around!@!!!

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I've heard that one, but, don't see the point when modern fabrics that dry overnight allow you to wash and wear.

We can go indefinitely with 2 shirts and 2 undergarments/socks, packing 2 up.

One pair convertible pants (unzip legs) covers pants/shorts/swimsuit.

We have enough room to bring hiking boots and rain gear w/topcase and saddlebags.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Great suggestions!! Another thing I like to do on trips is take "disposable clothes". You know, old shirts that are stained, or torn. Wear them, and each night, throw them away. The longer out you go, the more room you have in your saddlebags with NO DIRTY CLOTHES to haul around!@!!!


Once I was having a group meeting with some high schoolers just before leaving on a trip (ak to Chicago for a week or so) and my principal asked to say a few words. After making a few good suggestions and saying some generally principal like things she said, "and whenever I go on a trip, i always take my oldest, rattiest, holiest, stained underwear, and then throw them away."


I tell you, I never saw such a quiet group of teenagers as the few moments after that statement - I'm sure they were all trying to clear horrible mental images from their minds. :P

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I feel the need to again quote Iron Butt Eebie:


"You can get four days out of a pair of underwear: front-side, backwards, inside out front-side, and inside out backwards."


>crickets from the group<


"Eight days if you have a riding partner..."



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