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Harley can teach BMW something

Sam Taylor

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Sam Taylor

I simply wanted to order a part that is common to most motorcycles. Best price and even more importantly best website surprised me, the Harley site.


Ordered and done at a significant savings. Chose to have shipped to nearest dealer, which was free.


Nice lady from the Sonoma County Harley dealership calls me this morning: your part is here. She sounds pretty.


I go get part, and everything is perfect. And she was pretty.


Compare and contrast to local BMW service. Discuss.

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How about a few more details, like what the part was and how much it cost and what the savings were (and as compared to what)?

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Prob not a reply you want to hear, but here goes;


If I need a part, I'll visit my local dealer, who I deal with because they know me and I trust they will deliver as promised. And I don't really give a shit if the parts counter person is pretty. If I want pretty , I'll go to the local strip club.


And Harley doesn't need to teach BMW anything. They've got a handle on their business and really don 't compare.


Apples and






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And I don't really give a shit if the parts counter person is pretty. If I want pretty , I'll go to the local strip club.







LMAO................ :rofl:

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Shipping the part to a dealer instead of your house seems like a pretty unusual and PITA arrangement.

The operative word was "free" ... no shipping cost to pick up at dealer. Which if the closest is around the block or on a regularly traveled route might work. Mine is 45 miles away in the wrong direction so not so much. I've "shipped to store" for other items if the shipping cost seems out of balance, but only if the store is something that I normally visit anyway.


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Basically, what I got out of this is that the counter clerk was hot. And now that's bleeding over into everything else, like the motorcycle brands, etc.


Personally, I don't care what the part was, or what the brand is. I'm more interested in pictures of said clerk. ;)



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If it's a common part to many motorcycles, then it should be commonly & easily found on the internet at a cost that's cheaper than either shop. Both are going to be outrageous, I'm just not stupid enough to go to them for a common part.

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Basically, what I got out of this is that the counter clerk was hot. And now that's bleeding over into everything else, like the motorcycle brands, etc.


Personally, I don't care what the part was, or what the brand is. I'm more interested in pictures of said clerk. ;)




Yep, that seems like the most interest (and unknown) part of this story. :thumbsup:



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And I don't really give a shit if the parts counter person is pretty. If I want pretty , I'll go to the local strip club.




Your local strip club has "pretty" ???

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Sam Taylor

Well, I was just pointing out, clumsily as usual, that Harley has it all over BMW (AG or USA) when it comes to their e-commerce setup. Plus, the tactic of offering free shipping to the dealer gets you in the dealership at least...instead of just waiting for the UPS man.


A broader point might be that--with some notable exceptions--most BMW dealers don't have an e-commerce setup. Or more often they have a rudimentary one that is outdated. To Harley's credit, they seem to have thought this through.


As for strip clubs in the Bay Area, there are more that feature men than women. Just like BMW dealerships.

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the only thing Harley could teach me is how to develope a gutter level sub-culture....


last month i ordered a 28 Lt. top box for my RT from my dealers website... they referenced my VIN and it came pre-keyed to my bike... picked it up 2 weeks later... simple and smooth...

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Really amazing amount of vitriol in this thread. It's pretty disappointing.


I get the OPs point, but don't think he gets that there are not a lot of things that other companies (Drag Specialties, Tucker Rocky, Kuryakyn, etc) would sell that are applicable to a BMW or the BMW crowd. Even though Kuryakyn will sell some things for less than wunderlich or aerostitch, they aren't prestige brands which seems to matter to some folks.


Oh well.

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Sam Taylor

I'm also surprised at the agitation. Believe me, I get what you're saying.


My point is that Harley is ahead of BMW in the area of e-commerce for its motorcycles. Both companies sell accessories directly from the factory, but Harley lets you buy them from them and shipped to a dealer so that you visit the dealer.


BMW, on the other hand, makes it much harder to commit e-commerce. Sure, I go to Max or Bob's or Chicago or A&S online...as well as Beemer Boneyard and Euro and a host of others....


Why I'm seeing this anti-Harley rage is a bit beyond me and strikes me as both ignorance and elitism. This from a man who never has nor probably never will own one. This from a man who has had Harley riders stop to help when zoners dialing in their GPS on KLTs whizz by.


But let's not go there. I'm talking business, and I see a better model for e-commerce at Harley--by far--than at BMW. Hence the original post.


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Constructive criticism ....


Perhaps a "subject " line more to the point and less abrasive would have been better.


If you throw the "hook" out as you did, you'll get fish you didn't expect. Some bite back.

I'll give you this much...It was entertaining!


Oh, and I'll still visit my dealer. I'll let him/her handle my e-commerce.





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Sam Taylor

Maybe. Or maybe I struck a chord--unattended.


I wonder what that's all about.


I stick by the line. BMW sucks when it comes to even their basic website. What a piece of bloat that is.


And of course, no one in their right ming would buy anything from it.


Meanwhile, Harely gets it. Frankly, as an American, that makes me happy. They make dopey bikes but they lunch the Germans on the marketing.

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Marty Hill

So you insist on ordering from the corp. link rather from any number of BMW online dealers including one about 50 miles from you. Keep up the good work. :rofl:



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Maybe BMW did think it through and decided that they will make the parts and accessories and allow their dealers to sell them. Doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Plenty of the BMW dealers will sell to you online as well as in the store, so where is the flaw in the plan?

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Sam Taylor
So you insist on ordering from the corp. link rather from any number of BMW online dealers including one about 50 miles from you. Keep up the good work. :rofl:




*Sigh* Why did my post twist so many riding shorts? All I said--or meant to say, sorry if the subject was too provocative-- was that I think HDI's e-commerce model is superior to BMW's. No, I don't order from the corp link, as it is worthless. Yes, I sometimes order from SF or A&S (as I said), because I can pickup. Otherwise I just go to Santa Rosa (Windsor), but they usually have to order the part....


I don't mind a good debate. Just don't get what seems to me over-reaction....


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Let's get even simpler.


I'll buy my parts from my local dealer , who by the way , can't possibly stock every part in the universe.


You buy your parts online, who by the way probably gets them from the same supplier because they aren't stocked.


I'll get mine cheaper and faster because I've established a good relationship with them over the years. And without issues. BMW operates a major parts facility just outside of Stockton. I'll watch my parts go direct to dealer for my pickup. You'll see your parts go to dealer, then shipped to you.


You will convince yourself that you got a great deal. And still think BMW's ecommerce model sucks.


I'll keep my dealer in business.


You'll sell your BMW and buy yourself a Harley, thoroughly convinced that you are disgusted with BMW and that you've bought the best product and "American" apparel that money can buy.


OK, maybe I'm guessing about the last part, but the rest not so much.


Buy local and support your local dealership. You might just find a good deal on a new bike purchase...or not! :wave:




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I think if HD were to teach BMW this e-commerce model, first they'd have to make sure BMW had a dealership in almost every town. After all, where's the value in free shipping to the dealer if the dealer is a day's ride away?


BMW has a about 25 dealerships in California. I couldn't count all the HD dealers; there are about 20 in the greater Los Angeles area alone.


Let's face it. Nationwide there are probably 1,000 Harleys for every BMW. That's a PIDOOMA number, but I bet it's realistic.


There are, for me, sufficient sources of BMW-specific products under BMW's current model. If I need something from the dealer I call Dewey and he tells me if it's in stock. If it's not and I want it, he orders it and it gets delivered to the dealer. For free. I go fetch it up. It's a bit more old school, but not materially different from the HD model for those of us fortunate enough to have a BMW dealer nearby. Except I don't think many would consider Dewey to be 'pretty'.



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Marty Hill
So you insist on ordering from the corp. link rather from any number of BMW online dealers including one about 50 miles from you. Keep up the good work. :rofl:




*Sigh* Why did my post twist so many riding shorts? All I said--or meant to say, sorry if the subject was too provocative-- was that I think HDI's e-commerce model is superior to BMW's. No, I don't order from the corp link, as it is worthless. Yes, I sometimes order from SF or A&S (as I said), because I can pickup. Otherwise I just go to Santa Rosa (Windsor), but they usually have to order the part....


I don't mind a good debate. Just don't get what seems to me over-reaction....


Sam, I'll be in sonoma in 3 weeks on my GS. I'll buy lunch and will try to explain the reaction. PM your phone #.

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Harley wishes...

last I recall @13,000 BMW sales/annually.

That would come out to 13,000,000 HD's.


It just seems that way becasue each modified HD makes the noise equal to a 1,000 BMW's.


Love the stock HD sound. :thumbsup:


Still wondering what the part was...

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Tim -


Ah, yes, I stand corrected on the ratio. I was speaking in terms of total numbers rather than sales volume, but my ratio is probably way off even on total volume. Sales volume seems to be about 20:1.


I, too, wonder what the part was. There must be something either secretive or embarrassing in its nature.


Perhaps it was a set of deer whistles... ;^)



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Sam Taylor

Cupholders and a catheter. Chrome, of course.


Actually, it was a cable to connect an electric vest (Gerbings), with coaxial to SAE ends. Pretty exciting, huh?


So I first checked with Gerbing, and they were out. I checked with A&S, and they had to order one...from Gerbing I presume. I checked at my local in Windsor (in person, because their website is pretty rudimentary). Check online at SF; couldn't find it. Checked BB and Euro--too expensive...but that's outside the scope of my commentary.


Googled it and it came up on the Harley site, cheaper by far than the others, and with as I mentioned free shipping to a dealer nearby. It was there in two days. Folks couldn't have been nicer to me.


Since I never have nor probably ever will buy a Harley, I don't frequent their scene much. I was just surprised at how sophisticated it was, e-commerce-wise. And better IMHO than the BMW one.


That's all, folks. Me and my wonderful RT and my heated vest and my cord extension and my chrome catheter are off for 2 week adventure in about an hour. I'm sure I'll stop at and buy something from most of the BMW dealers I run across; I always do. May your way be as pleasant.


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On another site I noted 2 recent problems I've had with orders from BMW dealers- the thing goes on backorder and then the dealer has no system to track its arrival to their business that automatically triggers a shipment. So long delays and multiple phone calls to shake it loose. (Bob's and A&S in this example but could be others jut as easily)


I use the local Harley shop for state inspections- they are fast and friendly, always- even with my 89 Honda Transalp which actually drew some curious questions, not being a common model. I despise Harley's (their intake sound reminds me of a strangled motor so much I can't stand to hear it at any volume, then there's the lousy handling, excess weight, etc) and would never own one but the folks at the dealership are great. My BMW dealer is fine too but he's 150 miles away so not a place I see often. Do my own service for the same reason. Over and done in less time than it would take me to get there.


I prefer the old concrete floors and parts bins bike shops to either the Harley or BMW corporate look with the useless glitz and carpeting.

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I've been reading this whole thread with a bit of amusement. I think Sam *just* may have purposely wanted to yank a chain or two. His last comment surely explains the whole thing.


Honestly, as a tech guy, I like ordering stuff online. It usually comes fast. And let's face it, half the time I go to the local dealer for some part (which for me is almost an hours drive) and they don't have. Which means a second trip to get a part. If I needed part rather quickly, that's really a pain.


I think being able to order a part and have it delivered to the local dealer and know it's there is pretty sweet. And yes, I could call the dealer before I go and check the part or call them and have them order it, but heck, If I'm looking all the part numbers up online, it would be easier to just order it and having it shipped free to a local dealer is just a bonus.


He makes a valid point. I think the whole "Harley vs BMW" reared it's head. :).

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