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Pet Carrier


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13-pound Sammy loves to ride in the car and would probably enjoy biking as well if we could figure out how to connect him to our R1100RT. Anyone had any luck attaching a pet carrier either to the tank or to the rear rack in place of our trunk/top bag? We're open to any and all suggestions, either purchased or improvised. Thanks.

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That's not my cup of tea, but..

I know a couple that take their toy poodles everywhere on their bikes. They use

I-Go brand. They bought both carriers on ebay pretty cheap as they are top of the line and expensive when new. Those darn dogs have been to more states than I have including Nova Scotia.

They're pretty smug about it too.

Of course their poodles so.....

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Guest Kakugo

These carriers are pretty popular here in Europe.


Just remember one thing: do not attempt carrying a dog or cat if it can get easily excited by something it sees (for example when it sees another dog at road side or a body of water). That can really, really ruin your day. ;)

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I've never seen a BMW with an animal carrier. :rofl:


This is usually something the Harley guys do along with having leather braided tassels hanging off their clutch or brake levers. :dopeslap:

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I've never seen a BMW with an animal carrier. :rofl:


This is usually something the Harley guys do along with having leather braided tassels hanging off their clutch or brake levers. :dopeslap:



There are many members here who own more than one bike, more than one marque. I've seen animals on every brand.


Back to the OPs request for help and information.



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13-pound Sammy loves to ride in the car and would probably enjoy biking as well if we could figure out how to connect him to our R1100RT. Anyone had any luck attaching a pet carrier either to the tank or to the rear rack in place of our trunk/top bag? We're open to any and all suggestions, either purchased or improvised. Thanks.



Heck, you coud always get a hack...






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I've never seen a BMW with an animal carrier. :rofl:


This is usually something the Harley guys do along with having leather braided tassels hanging off their clutch or brake levers. :dopeslap:


I have seen them at the Beemer Bash sponsored by the CCBR. there are a couple of people that ride with their dogs there. I haven't been to the rally in a couple of years so I don't know if they still show up or not. And I never paid enough attention to get the details of their rigs. sorry. . .

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We have a 12 pound minature schnauzer and wanted to do the same thing. I found a back pack that is designed to put the dog into. There is a clip to hook to her collar to keep her "in place". She was in between my wife and me, but to our dismay, she was too scared to make it a habit. Too bad. Good luck.

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I know people do this, and I have seen people riding with animals, but personally, I don't like it. I would hate to have my beloved family member get injured or killed in what otherwise might have been a minor accident. A sidecar, that's a different story. But for me, personally, I consider it irresponsible to have a pet on the bike itself. YMMV

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I know people do this, and I have seen people riding with animals, but personally, I don't like it. I would hate to have my beloved family member get injured or killed in what otherwise might have been a minor accident. A sidecar, that's a different story. But for me, personally, I consider it irresponsible to have a pet on the bike itself. YMMV


I agree 100%!


Since I have had my new puppy Layla, I have been slowly introducing her to my 12C sidecar rig. She is a bit too small for the harness yet and she seems apprehensive to be in the car. On the other hand, my truck is a completely different story!


I have to work on her riding with goggles though. Evey time I put them on, the forepaw comes up and around the head to remove them.

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I have to work on her riding with goggles though. Evey time I put them on, the forepaw comes up and around the head to remove them.


You probably already know this, but for anyone who finds this post later or if you're having trouble:


It's really only going to work if she's doing something she loves when they're on (or if she'd more terrified of what you'll do to her as punishment, than she is annoyed by the goggles - you DON'T want to use that method - less effective and really just mean).


So, you need to link the goggles to goodness. Does she like treats or a favorite toy or game you play? If so, goggles on, instant treat/whatever, then goggles off. Wait an hour or so, then repeat. SLOWY increase the time she has them on until she can have them on for a few minutes, and then start putting them on so she can wear them while she does other things she loves. For instance, if she loves riding in the truck, start putting the goggles on before she gets to go in the truck.


If she takes them off, you don't need to punish her in the traditional sense, or even put them back on, just stop doing the fun thing. She'll get it figured out pretty quickly, and she'll start getting super excited whenever you get the goggles out (as opposed to trying to get them away or keep you from putting them on).


As an example, my Aussie HATES her harness, but since she knows it means we're going for a longer than usual walk, as soon as I take it off the hook, she will SHOVE her head into it.



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There are many members here who own more than one bike, more than one marque. I've seen animals on every brand.




I've seen animals on different brands, too, but they usually were the 2 legged kind. Some of them right here, too.


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I've seen animals on different brands, too, but they usually were the 2 legged kind. Some of them right here, too.



Tsk tsk tsk Philly.........the shame of it all....... :dopeslap:

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reasons to not take animals on bikes, eye protection as even in a cage they can get dirt in their eyes let alone dry eye. Plus the noise they are exposed too. Top it off with dehydration and your just being mean.


A vet friend of mine doesn't like it one bit when she sees dogs hanging their heads out of cars for similar reasons, even told me its best to be top up in the convertible for any drives over fifteen minutes.

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reasons to not take animals on bikes, eye protection as even in a cage they can get dirt in their eyes let alone dry eye. Plus the noise they are exposed too. Top it off with dehydration and your just being mean.


A vet friend of mine doesn't like it one bit when she sees dogs hanging their heads out of cars for similar reasons, even told me its best to be top up in the convertible for any drives over fifteen minutes.


I'm struggling with this one a little bit. I shoot a gun over my dog's head. If he's lucky and I hit something, he jumps into 33 deg water and goes and gets it. Does it affect his hearing....probably. But he LIVES for it. He's a retriever. You can starve a Lab for 3 days, put a sirloin in his food bowl, and he'll start scarfing it down. Throw a ball and he'll stop eating to go get it. They can't help it. (he'll finish the steak after he gets back)


Dogs are simple animals. They have just a few things they love. Driving in cars with their head out the window slobbering on the side of the car is another. They love it, I don't know why. They just do. I can't deny them that for fear of dry eye or dirt.

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... Plus the noise they are exposed ...
Chris, these are BMW bikes... not Harley Davidson. I doubt the German "sewing machine" engine sound will hurt their ears much... :dopeslap:
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Dog are simple animals. They have just a few things they love. Driving in cars with their head out the window slobbering on the side of the car is another. They love it, I don't know why. They just do. I can't deny them that for fear of dry eye or dirt.


Interesting. They love it so why deny it. So what if they get crap in their eyes; they're dogs. So what if they get dehydrated; they're just dogs. So what if the bike goes down and the dog get's injured or killed; it's just a [censored]in dog! How can you deny him the pleasure of doing something that he loves. There's only a few things that they love so why deprive them just because it would be injurious to their health. Just like a lot of people I know, there's only a few things they love it life, so why deprive them. Same with kids. They hate being in car seats and seat belts, and there's so few things in life they love, so what's a little head injury or death. And some people only get pleasure from driving drunk down the highway. Why stop them? But back to the original statement - it's just a dog, so who give a shit.

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Same with kids. They hate being in car seats and seat belts, and there's so few things in life they love, so what's a little head injury or death. And some people only get pleasure from driving drunk down the highway. Why stop them? But back to the original statement - it's just a dog, so who give a shit.


I’ve rechecked the above post and can’t seem to find the “original statement”??


I figured I’d have to don the flame suit because of how thoughtless I am with my dog, but really?


There might be a difference between a guy driving drunk down the highway with a couple of unrestrained kids in the back and a dog with his head out the window.


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I’ve rechecked the above post and can’t seem to find the “original statement”??



"Dog are simple animals. They have just a few things they love. Driving in cars with their head out the window slobbering on the side of the car is another. They love it, I don't know why. They just do. I can't deny them that for fear of dry eye or dirt."


I guess we have a difference of opinion about dogs. I don't think they are quite that simple, and that they only enjoy or love a few things, but maybe your right. They also like running through city dumps looking for garbage, chasing car tires, and dashing across streets and highways without looking to see if they might get hit. Since dogs love so few things, how can you deprive them of that? My guess is you would consider it a safety issue for the dog. Well, that's how I feel about dogs riding with their heads out the window or running around unrestrained in the back of a pick-up truck. Lots of people do it, and most of the time nothing bad happens. But sometimes it does. Some people drive with their kids unrestrained, either in the car or in the bed of a pick-up (and I'm not referring to driving drunk down the road) and usually nothing bad happens. But sometimes really bad things do happen to them. Some people let their kids do all kinds of dangerous things, and often nothing bad happens, but when it does, it can be really bad. Same thing with dogs. I have the intelligence and knowledge to find things that dogs (and kids)enjoy doing that are less hazardous to their health. I don't think I'm depriving them the joy of life (and sight) by not allowing them to ride with their head out the car window or riding on the back seat of a motorcycle (which I have seen). If you feel you're limited in finding ways for your dog to enjoy life and can't come up with much more than riding with head out the window, there are many good books to read and articles on line that could help you with that.



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... Plus the noise they are exposed ...
Chris, these are BMW bikes... not Harley Davidson. I doubt the German "sewing machine" engine sound will hurt their ears much... :dopeslap:


Not exhaust noise, road noise. Ride without a helmet for the same trip your dog is exposed to all that noise and tell me how well you fare, oh do it without eye protection too

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