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What to use to read a GS-911?


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Besides a PC desktop computer we use Apple products for computing and communicating. What appliances can be used to read a GS-911? Will any older PC based laptop work with any version of Windows? I'm just trying to figure out the cheapest way to use it if I buy one? And does anyone know if there is a version of the GS-911 coming that will work with my iPad? Thanks.



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Hi, Doug -


Here's where to find the word from the horse's mouth:

***Link to Hexcode FAQ***

Scroll down to find which computers & OS's work with their software. IPhone? Not at this time. Lots of info here...

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Unfortunately the GS 911 hasn't been compatible with Apple so far to the best of my knowledge. I have the GS 911 pro model with blue tooth and have found in my case that it is fairly easy to link with android devices. I have linked mine to an HTC One cell phone and most recently when I changed phones I linked it to a Samsung Galaxy S5 with no problem. I've also linked it with my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 pad with no problem. I agree with the earlier poster that it would be wise to check Hex Code's list of devices. I don't work for Samsung, but just pointing out that the GS 911 seems to link up pretty easily to their products. The GS 911 is a great investment, I never leave home without it. Good luck with your choice of devices.

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I've read where others have used PC emulators on their macs specifically virtualbox on their macs for the the GS-911.



I am sure there are other emulators out there.


Good luck.



+1 to VirtualBox. It's easy to set up on a Mac.

Ask us if you need help to download / install etc.




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