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Sena SMH10 red charge light stays on?


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I've used my Sena SMH10 BT headset successfully for about 18 months now with my 2013 R1200RT. Each night on the road I plug it into an AC outlet (USA) to charge it....red light comes on, and within about 4 hours the blue light comes on, indicating a full charge.


Two days ago the blue light wouldn't come on. I switched wall outlets, then chargers - same difference. After even overnight the red light on the Sena is still on.


This morning I decided to check the charge using the "flashes on startup" and "voice prompt" as described in the Sena manual. Both check indicates my Sena has a high charge. That's good, but I'd sure like a visual method to know my unit has charged, and I especially don't like that it's acting differently....concerned something is getting ready to break.:confused:


Any ideas?

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I use the units on/off for the past few years, didn't have this issue (yet). But contact the manufacturer and let us know what they say..



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Got this reply from Sena Customer Support today:


>>>I was wondering, when charging at your place, it was always working fine?


As long as the unit is flashing 4 reds when you turn it on and it still last about 10 hours of use time, it is still okay.


There might be a bug in the unit that switches it to blue when fully charge. You could try doing a Fault Reset when the unit is turned on.



When the SMH10 is not working properly or is in faulty status for any reason, you may reset by pushing the pin-hole reset button at the back of the headset main unit. Insert a paper clip into the reset pinhole and press the reset button for a second with light pressure. The SMH10 will be switched off, and you have to turn the system back on and try again. However, this will not restore the headset to factory default settings.




They seem to think there is a problem with the light on the Sena turning blue after it's charged......I thought that was the way it was supposed to work? Anyone else verify that? I am reluctant to do the paper clip reset procedure as I don't want to risk losing my pairing information!


I plan to nearly totally discharge the unit by running it for 10 hours or so with music, then charge charging tomorrow to see what's what with the lights as it charges. I suppose I can live with the red light staying on after it's supposedly charged.....just concerned about the change in behavior......

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There is a "threshold voltage" that it is looking for in the charge cycle.


I have the Sena also. If I charge mine until blue light on, and then use it for 20 minutes, it still says "Battery Charge High" (or whatever). But as soon as I plug it into the charger, it is red.


It soundless like you're charging and using it regularly for the last 18 months.. I think you're battery is still "Good", but may not be reaching the "threshold" for turning the light from red to blue.


Consider a new battery?

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My unit does this once in a while. It alway is charged for the week. I chalk it up to electronic goof. If it didn't charge I would be concerned. Ride on and don't give it a second thought. If it doesn't charge, then start to check on the unit.

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Here's an update from the MTF:


I have never let my Sena fully discharge, but also never ride over about 9 hours a day. It always goes get connected to a charger at the end of a day's ride. So as a test I started it up yesterday about noon, paired with my GPS and playing MP3 tunes until I turned it off about 9PM. Checked it this morning, and it's spoken charge is "Low". It's been playing for about a half hour since then....I expect it to run outa gas in another hour at most.


At that point I will plug the Sena into a wall charger I know works, and see what lights I get on the Sena. I am EXPECTING a RED light when I first plug it into the charger....and then a BLUE light about 4 hours later when it is charged. That's what I used to get until the blue light suddenly quit coming on after it was charged a day ago. If I fail to get a blue light, after 4 hours I will remove it from the charger, wait about 30 minutes, then check the battery charge using the voice/flashing light method described in the manual.


Hopefully it will indicate a "high charge". If not, I'll call Sena Customer Service. However, if the blue light didn't come on at the end of the charging cycle with a "high" charge, I think I have a battery that's marginal, and will also call Customer Service and see what can be done. I bought this Sena in February 2013.


Thanks for everyone's help. I will report here how all this resolves. BTW, although I always carry a DC charger when I ride, I don't want the hassle of having to connect it while I'm riding.




PS - The Sena finally ran out of battery after another hour this morning, which means I got right at 10 hours of steaming music, so the battery must have started off fully charged yesterday morning. Soon I will put the Sena on a charger and attempt to charge it. I'll update the MTF, and hopefully remember to do that here also.

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Thanks David. I thought it did turn blue after reaching a full charge.

Yes...you have it right. Turns blue after "Full Charge".


What I mean, is it's possible that to get the light to turn blue it needs to reach 5.80 volts. (making these numbers up...lol)


MAYBE your battery is just a little weak after 18 months aof regular use and is stopping charge at 5.7 volts, and not going to blue. But because it is so close, you may well still get 10 hours out of it.


1) Good that we're talking about it.

2) Good that you're testing!

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Update....and end!


Okay, after I totally discharged the Sena SMH10, which is the first time I've ever done that, I connected it to a known good charger, observed a RED light on the Sena, and let it charge. After 4.5 hours I checked, and the Sena's BLUE light was on......just as it USED to do. I disconnected the Sena from its charger, let it sit for about 30 minutes, then turned it on and heard "High Charge" spoken using the method described in the manual.


As far as I can tell, I am back to where I was a few days ago. From the test yesterday I have formed this conclusion: To maintain the proper red/blue light progression when charging, at least occasionally the Sena's battery must be totally discharged...or I suppose close to that state. So from now on I will attempt to do that every couple of months. Bit of a PITA in my opinion, as I have found it more convenient to just ride (6-9 hours) then plug it into the motel when I finish the ride.


Now I plan to do the 5.*.* firmware upgrade on my Sena. One question: Will my current pairing setting (GPS) be retained? I'd just as soon not have to re-pair it again.


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Deek -


The pairing will be retained, but Sena recommend that all pairings be deleted and re-established after a software upgrade.


I've had varied luck with not deleting the pairings (once it seemed like the changes in the software didn't take to the existing pairings) and so now I always delete all pairings and start over.



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Deek -


The pairing will be retained, but Sena recommend that all pairings be deleted and re-established after a software upgrade.


I've had varied luck with not deleting the pairings (once it seemed like the changes in the software didn't take to the existing pairings) and so now I always delete all pairings and start over.




I've decided to not do the firmware upgrade now. The only benefit I'd get would be to their "reduced noise" or whatever they call it. while that sounds good, I don't believe it's worth the hassle at this point. I don't need any of the other 5.x.x features.



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Just asking because I'm a Scala user. What's the deal about re-pairing the unit?

The Scala takes about 30 seconds, pairing to GPS if needed another minute to re-read the PDF then do it in the correct order.

Reason I ask is because I just got given a Sena 10 by a friend and put it on an extra helmet.

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Just asking because I'm a Scala user. What's the deal about re-pairing the unit?

The Scala takes about 30 seconds, pairing to GPS if needed another minute to re-read the PDF then do it in the correct order.

Reason I ask is because I just got given a Sena 10 by a friend and put it on an extra helmet.


Not a big deal to re-pair my existing Sena with my existing RT; I am just lazy and don't want to upgrade the firmware on my SMH10. :Cool:


In my experience, the most difficult thing about pairing my Sena SMH10 to my R1200RT was getting the Beamer into the "discover(able)" mode......that audio panel is not the most user friendly! :S

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I had a similar situation where the light stopped turning blue after an extended charging period (over night). I determined that the 120v converter was not working properly. If your charging system is like mine, you can unplug the charge line from the converter and plug it into your computer usb port. Try that if you can and see if you get the blue light again. I actually use my cell phone charger now to re-charge my Sena sets.


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" I actually use my cell phone charger now to re-charge my Sena sets."


Me too, I use it for my phone, sena and I think my wife's Kindle uses that size also. Just gotta make sure the voltages are correct....if the plug is the correct size, then it's fine.

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