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Extended Warranty - What to pay?


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I just bought a 2012 RT from the original owner.He had some medical problems so he couldn't ride it so it only had 1100 miles on it when I bought it. Last week both the left and right hand controls started acting up. Thanks to BMW they sent someone to pick it up and take it to the nearest dealer (100 miles from here!)to replace the controls. While they have it I am getting it serviced due to time not miles.


Having just had a problem with the controls i am considering buying an extension to the warranty from the BMW dealer servicing the bike. They suggested it and they told me they could make me a really good deal on one. My question is what is a good deal on adding two more years to the original warranty??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just bought a used 06 1200RT yesterday from the dealer here in Canada. It has 53,000K on it - the dealer wants 2100 for 3 year extended warranty. I have 10 days to decide.


What are other thoughts on this? Is this something that is worth the extra money over 3 years?

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John in VA
I just bought a 2012 RT from the original owner.He had some medical problems so he couldn't ride it so it only had 1100 miles on it when I bought it. Last week both the left and right hand controls started acting up. Thanks to BMW they sent someone to pick it up and take it to the nearest dealer (100 miles from here!)to replace the controls. While they have it I am getting it serviced due to time not miles.


Having just had a problem with the controls i am considering buying an extension to the warranty from the BMW dealer servicing the bike. They suggested it and they told me they could make me a really good deal on one. My question is what is a good deal on adding two more years to the original warranty??


If I recall, I paid about $950 in 2009 for a Zurich 2-year extended warranty including seals, ABS, etc., a week before the factory warranty expired on my '06 RT. Zurich lost money on that deal because it more than paid for itself in subsequent repairs. Too bad it expired before the whizzy brakes ABS modulator died and crankcase seal started leaking.

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I'd want to know the bike's repair history, e.g., what -- if any -- major repairs (other than routine maintenance) has it had? I'd also want to know if the bike has been serviced in accordance with BMW's recommended schedule.

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When I bought my 2006 RT in '08 I paid about $1000 for a 7 year warranty that actually adds 4 years to the factory warranty. Used it for one Fuel Strip... no questions and no deductible.


When I bought my 2012 GSA I bought the same 7 year deal for about $1400.

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$2100 is way too much money for something you might never need.

The bikes are not that bad.

At a more reasonable price I may say ok.

But that's too much.

In my case I would just as soon do the work myself.

Tho' I have bought extended warranties in the past. I just never paid that much, nor anything corresponding to any such amount, adjusting for current prices.


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With BMW auto dealers that warranty price is typically negotiable. That said, I wouldn't pay anywhere near $2100 for a 3 year warranty. Unless you have multiple major failures, it won't save you money.

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