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Tried R1200RT Crash Bars from eBay?


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Has anyone purchased R1200RT Crash Bars from eBay and if so, your experience? eBay search terms of 'BMW R1200RT Crash Bars' will bring up eBay links (e.g. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Crash-bars-P...b5e526&vxp=mtr) They 'look' identical to Wunderlich (i.e, http://www.wunderlichamerica.com/mot...60735-736.html) at half the price. My concerns also include duty/custom fees to get this item into USA AND costs for shipping if I have to ship it back. Thanks.


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  • 2 weeks later...
It's been pulled by ebay. Now it's just going to be a long unanswered mystery.



The link that I had posted is no longer good - as you have noted. Not sure if it was pulled by eBay - think that maybe I just pasted in a bad link.

If you use search terms "R1200RT Crash Bars" you will get several hits - by at least 3 sellers - but all have the exact same photo. The 'main' seller of this item seems to be AreYourShop-A, they seem to sell a lot of MC items and have a good eBay rating - but not sure if this means much - or what. Here is another link (but if it does not work, use the search terms on Ebay):



Just ordered a set - supposed to be here in 4 weeks - will report back if this purchase was a success/failure!

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