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I purchased a SENA SM10 and a dual set of SMH5, the headsets pair without any problems but I am at my wits end trying to pair the SM10 to either headset.

Anyone here have any experience with these things? :S

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I just read thru the pairing instructions (the SM10 to each SMH5)

The key seems to work with one at a time, meaning power OFF the second while you pair the first. That's pretty straight forward.

When you do the second, power up, and when you do step 3, continue to hold the pairing button in after it flashes or the 9 seconds elapses.


If the first one pairs, you're on the right track.

Here is the link to the PDF book.

Sometimes seeing the instructions in large print helps.


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I tried all that, with either helmet but no go, I think it is stuffed, a pain when you buy these things online. I will have to contact SENA I think.


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They will tell you to clear the pairing with a paper clip and start over.

I'm more familiar with Scala, but the re-pair almost always seems to fix.

You should take a break and try resetting the pair. Just takes a minute.


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If you re-paired them to each other after the paper clip re-set, here is a link to a youtube vid of pairing a SM10 to the SMH10's.

The video maker has both units on and it pairs right up. You might give it a watch while you wait for an email from Sena.

One thing, in the vid, he implies that to pair the second one he presses a different button on the SM10 but in fact it's the same pairing button as the first.

Hope it helps.

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Moring Reecehk


Check your PM, I sent you pairing instructions to try.


If it doesn't help then try a new location for your pairing, maybe a cell phone or computer/TV router is interfering with the pairing at your present location.

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Also, if you haven't already done so, make sure that both the smh5 and sm10 are on the latest firmware update. Check HERE for the device manager software. All Sena units use the same application to check and install updates.

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The SM10 is working fine now, I originally paired the 2 SMH5's by pressing the jog wheel in for 5 seconds and a voice says pairing, this connected the 2 headsets, so I assumed this was the procedure for all devices. :/

Not so, After reading the advice given I have since learned that the phone button has to be pressed for 5 seconds, again a voice announces 'pairing' however this time it worked for the SM10.

Sorry to have bothered you but thanks for all your support.



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Morning Reecehk


No bother, that is a common mistake thinking the same button is used when pairing those darn things.


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