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Any Hannigan hack owners on here? Anyone in the PNW?


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Sidecars are accessories, right? :)


I've been looking into sidecars for some time and recently acquired a used Hannigan - I think it's a mid/late nineties Astro GT, but I'm not sure and haven't had time to call Hannigan yet (that's on the to-do list). If there's anyone here with a Hannigan rig, and especially if there is someone in the PNW or even better the Portland area, I'd love to talk to you. This car is missing a few bits of hardware, and it would be nice to see exactly what is supposed to go where and how you have your rig set up.


If you happen to know someone that would fit the above that's not on this forum, I'd appreciate if you could send them this way or PM me for my phone number/email and send that to them.




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