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Aerostich backorder notification is poor!


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Stich was running a glove sale a few weeks ago so I ordered elk ropers with a the touchscreen tips. I got a email saying that if they were in stock, they would ship in 48 hours, then nothing. I called today and yes they are back ordered but the could give me no estimate of when they might arrive. They girl I spoke to said they had no idea when they would receive them from the supplier. I really like their stuff, but they need to up their game a bit. Why run them on sale if they aren't in Stock anyway?

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Had a similar experience ordering a suit from them this year. I'd get an email saying one thing, then talk to someone on the phone and be told something contradicting the email. Took way longer than the original estimate. Sometimes I'd be told they were physically building my suit or had built my suit and would finish it up soon, but later be told that they hadn't started my suit because the material is on back order. My order went from weeks to months and by the time I got it they had announced a new version of my suit. So my nice new suit was already outdated by the time I received it 4 months after ordering it. This experience surprised me as I've had nothing but good experience in the past with them, but definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.

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They're still rolling along on 1990 technology and design. Someone likes them. I'm looking for a suit but it won't be a Aero.

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There's a new suit? I hope they put in functional vents.
They've updated the Roadcrafter calling it, Roadcrafter 3 or Third Generation and the original style is now sold as the Roadcrafter Classic. They also updated their leather suit to add some vents. So I guess you could say I ordered a Roadcrafter and received a Classic.
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