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TB Sync tool in DSM, IA area


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Before I make my own manometer I thought I should ask:

Anyone in Des Moines, IA area that has one and it is willing to let me borrow it for a day?





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Before I make my own manometer I thought I should ask:

Anyone in Des Moines, IA area that has one and it is willing to let me borrow it for a day?






Do you belong to the local MOA club the Bahnsturmers? You should and I bet one of them has one.




I used to belong to that group before moving to AZ.

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Well, Bahnsturmers must be all out there, riding. No response to my request to join the group, no response to question to one of the users...


Thanks for the suggestion Ponch, I will keep trying!



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Well, Bahnsturmers must be all out there, riding. No response to my request to join the group, no response to question to one of the users...


Thanks for the suggestion Ponch, I will keep trying!



Did you try the facebook page?

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I did. Requested to join the group, no response. Sent a message to one of the members, no response.

I will just make my own per youtube video someone posted.


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I gotta say, I made my own a couple of weeks ago and it was dead simple. I used ATF because I liked the red color and I had a partial quart left from topping up the tranny on my Suburban. To fill the tube, I just put one end in the fluid container and sucked on it like a straw until I got the amount I wanted in the tube.


If I had it to go over again, there are 2 things I would change: I would put the two tubes really close together instead of 3" apart. I ended up changing mine after I built it. And second - I would measure the length of the pipe that I wanted filled with fluid, then transfer that measurement from the end of the pipe in the fluid to the point that the tube has the amount in it I want. (Hope that makes sense.)


I ended up getting too much fluid int he tube first time around and had to drain some out. That created the only irritation/difficulty of the entire project. SO - not to beat the dead horse - but I would measure fro the top of my desired fluid level down to the bottom of the U ,double that,then make a mark with a sharpie that many inches from the end of the tube. Stick that end in the ATF/water container and draw that much fluid into the tube. Once at the mark, pull the tube out of the liquid and keep drawing the fluid into the tube until it fills the U like you want it.


Overall, it took me about $8, a scrap piece of plywood I had off another project, and something like 45 minutes, including overfilling the tube the first time. Well worth it!

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Evening RosBos



No big deal to make your own & you really should have one to use when you need it anyway.


Lots of different versions but a simple & effective is a cheap yard stick, some clear tubing, about a dozen zip ties & about 15 minutes.


You can make it crude or beautiful but they still work great either way.


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