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Advice on iPhone, Zumo 550, Autocom Super Pro AVi


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I'm looking for advice from anyone with experience with using the combination of an iPhone 3GS, Zumo 550 (purchased used) and Super Pro AVi (also purchased used).

I'm trying to connect these together via bluetooth. I'm using an Autocom 1276 to Aux 1 of the AVi and an isolated lead from the Zumo mount audio out to Aux 2 of the AVi. I set the Zumo bluetooth headset audio to phone only. I'm able to sucessfully pair the 3GS to the Zumo as a phone and the Autocom 1276 to the Zumo as a headset.

However when I place a call through the Zumo, the receiving phone receives the call and can answer but there is no sound in either direction.

I tried pairing the 3GS directly to the 1276 and sucessfully made a call. I replaced the 1276 with a 1273 with same results.

The stereo audio (navigation voice and MP3) from the Zumo works well.

The AVi functions work as designed (muting, mixing).

The Zumo is up to date on software (ver. 5.0, audio ver. 3.40, bluetooth SW ver. 3.40

I have done a master reset with no change.

It is like the Zumo's phone bluetooth function is not talking to the headset bluetooth function.

Much searching of the Internet with no definitive answers.

I will be swapping out the AVi back to an Active Plus (200) later today to see if that changes anything.

Thanks in advance. Buckster

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I have a virtually identical set up... (plus bike-to-bike radio with a push to talk switch). My phone is an iPhone 5S... Autocomm is a Super Pro AVI.


All I can tell you is that my system works the way I want it to. My phone pairs to the Zumo via BT. I can send and receive calls with no difficulty. I deleted all the mp3 tunes from the Zumo but it worked perfectly when I had them there. In essence all the outputs from the Zumo go to the Autocomm.


My setup seems more simple than yours... but it works... Phone via BT to Zumo. Audio out from the Zumo mount to one of the AVI ports (do not recall which one). Intercom from Rider to Passenger and Vice versa... no buttons to press, just talk. I also have a small AM/FM radio with audio out to one of the AVI ports. (Use it for news or weather especially at stops since the volume from the tiny radio is weak)


I do not understand why you say .. "I'm using an Autocom 1276 to Aux 1 of the AVi and an isolated lead from the Zumo mount audio out to Aux 2 of the AVi. I set the Zumo bluetooth headset audio to phone only." Why not just use the Audio out from the Zumo straight to the Autocom. This way all the audio from the Zumo... meaning navigation prompts, phone calls in/out and mp3 stuff goes to the AVI Pro and from the Pro to your headset. (note- I use the standard Autocom headset(s) and the stock cable. I'm guessing you are trying to avoid having the cable to the headsets. It does seem old-fashioned but it works and is never a problem.


and.. you say... "It is like the Zumo's phone bluetooth function is not talking to the headset bluetooth function." I suggest simplifying the set-up and forget trying to B/T to the headset.


Wires are good...



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I've got the same setup but a Samsung phone. Phone to Zumo 550 via BT. Special "Zumo" dual cable from Zumo to Autocom port. Only one port works for this because it is a 4 conductor connector. The other end of the special cable has two leads, one to the audio out of the Zumo and the other small one to the mic in on the Zumo. Been working great for years.

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Hi John... long time no see. Going to Torrey? Suz and I are "iffy".


I have the two-tailed Zumo cable also... I forgot to mention that in my reply above yours.

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Thank you both for responding. It sounds like you both are using the special Autocom cable to link the Zumo to the AVi. I'm hoping to use the 1276 bluetooth dongle to the AVi Aux 1 (for the phone call) and an isolated cable to the AVi Aux 2 (for the stereo output from the Zumo). I'm using original Autocom headsets and cables. I agree wires are good ( good sound quality and no batteries).

While info on older Autocom equipment is getting hard to find, I did come across this explanation:


The problem that arises with the Zumo is when you want to interface a cell phone through it over bluetooth, as in receive and transmit audio. To get stereo sound and interface a cell phone requires a modification to the circuit board of the Autocom or the purchase of their Bluetooth adapter. If you are only going to pull music and driving directions out of the Zumo then is is pretty straight forward.

Here are the options from the Autocom site.

To interface the Zumo 550 for GPS, Music and Cell Phone:

Recommended Connections:

For current Autocom Units:Super Pro, Active Plus, Easi-Plus with AUX1 power enabled

Connect Part #1273 (Bluetooth module) into the powered AUX1 and Part #1314 into AUX2.

Alternate Connections:

For Current Autocom Units: Super Pro, Active Plus, Easi-Plus

Connect Part #1299* into AUX2

*WARNING: The Rider and Passenger Speech overrides need to be disabled is order for this option to work. (This is the resistor removal).

To interface the Zumo 550 for GPS and Music only:

Connect Part #1314 to the stereo music input.


So I'm going to fiddle with the pairings and try the Active Plus and see if I can make a call.

I have read of others being to make the dual BT pairing work thru the Zumo. I am concerned that there is a problem with the BT compatibility between the devices I am using causing the problem. If I can't get it to work 3GS to Zumo to AVi, I'll just pair the 3GS directly to the 1276 into the AVi. I'll lose the ability to see who's calling and to easily make calls though.

Thanks again. If anyone else has experience with this issue, I'd appreciate the information. Buckster

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The 1273 (powered Aux 1) and 1276 (non-powered Aux 1) are very old cables that have been replaced by the http://www.chainspeed.co.uk/products/Autocom-Stereo-Bluetooth-Module-BTM%252d02A-All-Units.html Autocom BTM-02A . Nonetheless your set-up should work if all the BT versions are compatible.

The is usually a sticker on the unit to indicate that Aux 1 is powered.


The guy who owns Chainspeed is an Autocom guru.

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If anyone has a system that works as I described (phone bluetoothed to Zumo and Zumo bluetoothed to Autocom Bluetooth dongle (either 1276 or 1273), could you let me know the software version and bluetooth version currently in your Zumo? On a hunch, I'm wondering if there was BT version update in the Zumo that is incompatible with the Autocom BT dongles.

Thanks Buckster

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Buck... maybe giving Garmin tech support a call would help.


Try on a Tuesday... afternoon to avoid long hold times.


and... check out the zumoforums... there will be someone there who has info to help.

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Thanks Hopz, I've posted a similar thread on zumoforums.com. And I'll give Garmin Tech a call this afternoon. I found a diagnostics page that shows the Zumo has an external mic selected (presumably from the mount). But I have even unable to find a page that allows to change the mic input to the BT dongle.

FYI, I did swap in the Active Plus and got the same results. And I have called from different phones into my setup with the same result of hearing the actual phone ring itself (not through the intercom), answering the call on the phone and having no sound in either direction.

Realty hoping to get this setup to work so I'll keep working at it.


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Thanks Hopz, I've posted a similar thread on zumoforums.com. And I'll give Garmin Tech a call this afternoon. I found a diagnostics page that shows the Zumo has an external mic selected (presumably from the mount). But I have even unable to find a page that allows to change the mic input to the BT dongle.

FYI, I did swap in the Active Plus and got the same results. And I have called from different phones into my setup with the same result of hearing the actual phone ring itself (not through the intercom), answering the call on the phone and having no sound in either direction.

Realty hoping to get this setup to work so I'll keep working at it.


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