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Rain x equivelent


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On our way to Deals Gap last week in the rain, my cuz had trouble seeing through the windshield on his Road King. I know Rain x is a no no on polycorbonate, so is there something safe he can use??

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rain-x. Been doing it for years, never developed a problem.


I have used rain x on my face shield with no problem but I have been warned to not use it on the windshield because of the coatings the manufacturer applies. Maybe I should re-think.


Thanks for the link to Raincoat, that might be the way to go

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I use GLARE polish, branded by Honda, on my bike. It specifically says to use it on clear plastic surfaces, glass, etc. I use it in lieu of wax on the painted parts of the bike. I have found over the years that it is the best wax-type product for the bike. Makes it easy to get bugs off, sheds water from shields, and looks great much longer than wax.


It's semi-hard to find, try Amazon, try searching for Honda Glare Polish, or just Glare Polish. For some reason, I have found the Honda-branded version (same exact stuff) cheaper than the OEM stuff.


And of course, Plexus. Or Honda spray polish, which is different from Glare.

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