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Nav V Route Planning


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After updating everything in the Navigator V unit with Garmin Express I wanted to plan a route for a trip I'm going on. I downloaded Garmin BaseCamp and became a bit frustrated when trying to alter a route that it generated. Found this very useful 3 minute YouTube video to create a route in Google Maps, download a KML file, import that into BaseCamp and into your Navigator V:


Much easier to create routes in Google Maps IMO.


When you get to the export function in BaseCamp, select BMW Motorrad Navigator V as the export destination. It will automatically put it in the correct place in the Internal Storage folder.


After you get the Nav V unit back on your bike, find your route in Apps -> Trip Planner


I'm sure there are other ways to skin this cat but this works pretty well.

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Nice. That's how I do it as well. Must check all the 'turns' though once it's in Base Camp. Sometimes, BC will try to make you do U-turns that don't make sense.


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Nice. That's how I do it as well. Must check all the 'turns' though once it's in Base Camp. Sometimes, BC will try to make you do U-turns that don't make sense.


Afternoon Mike


Yes, that is one of the big disadvantages of building a route in another mapping program.


It (Google Maps) works OK for simple main road somewhat direct routes but leaves a lot to be desired when making complicated routes on smaller back roads.


About the only way to get a (useable) complex route to work on a motorcycle GPS is to import it into BaseCamp, then a do recalculate in BaseCamp, then go over the route with a fine tooth comb & correct all the little errors.


By the time you go through all that it is actually easier & quicker to just build the original route in BaseCamp to begin with.


For someone that just wants a get-you-there uncomplicated route then Google Maps will work but it just doesn't work good on complicated routes that you need to remain exactly as they were built without a LOT of work & fiddling.

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Thanks dirtrider. You inspired me to give BaseCamp another go. Once I figured out to turn off Avoid Major Highways (Options-> Activity Profile-> Road Type Avoidances), building a complex route wasn't too bad. BaseCamp was plotting every side street imaginable until I turned it off.

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Evening narcosis


A good way to do that is to set up multiple Activity Profiles--




motorcycling minor roads


motorcycling minor roads avoid dirt roads


motorcycling dirt roads avoid major hi-ways


motorcycling no avoidances




With "Avoid Major Hi-ways" as your only profile you will have one dickens of a time forcing a route to stay on a major hi-way without forcing you off at every other exit.


The latest BaseCamp allows you to use the function of multiple profiles on the same route.


I have a specific profile for off-road routing as well as some different verities of avoidances for other route building.


Base Camp is very versatile once you understand it's little oddities.





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