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Zumo 550 with Sena 20S BT headset??


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I have a Zumo 550 that works just fine. I'm thinking of transitioning from a Baehr Ultima XL (wired) headset system to a Sena 20S (BT) headset, mainly so I can communicate B2B with the guys I usually ride with (and also receive cell phone calls while on longer trips). (They have Senas.) I'm wondering if my mp3 tunes stored on my Zumo 550 will transmit via BT to a Sena headset in stereo. Does anyone have this setup (Zumo 550 with a BT headset) and can you advise me as to it's workability? Problems encountered? Like it? TIA.

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Afternoon Tom


As far as I know the Zumo 550 won't give you stereo out of the Blue Tooth output.


If you really NEED stereo then you can use the hard-wire output, then import that into a remote stereo BT transmitter.


To tell you the truth, (in my opinion) stereo into a moving motorcycle headset is about useless at speed anyhow.


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D.R. is correct in that there is no stereo bluetooth out of a 550. For a while I did run a stereo bluetooth xmtr plugged into the audio out jack on the 550 and paired to a Sena SMH10R. I do like stereo when using ear buds ( I must not be going fast enough :Cool: ).


But the issue was battery life on the dongle. I solved that by upgrading to a Zumo 660 which works quite nicely

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