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Having trouble reading the cockpit devices while riding.


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With aging, as some of you may know), eye's have a tendency to need a wee bit of help. I have been using reading glasses for a few years so when I mounted the GPS and now the iphone (waze), I began looking for a solution to be able to read the fine print while no disturbing my distance vision. I tried the stick on helpers but couldn't get them located in a good spot.


My next try was a set of bi-focal safety glasses and these are absolutely perfect. My company provides them free so why not give them a try. I can keep the visor up on those occasions that I want full face of air without worrying about bug/rock in the eye and I can roll my eyes down and clearly read the cockpit.


So, if you are like me and have great distance vision but need a bit of help on the near side of things, you might want to explore some of these.

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My solution was to find a pair of 1.0 diopter reading glasses, cut down the tops of the lenses so that I could see the road and the instruments clearly, depending on where I switched my gaze. I masked the lenses with tape, then used a Dremel cutoff wheel, then wet sanded and polished the cut edges, measuring with digital calipers to make sure that both lenses were dimensionally the same.

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For daylight use sun glasses, you can also use a pair of "fly fishing" glasses. They are similar to your safety glasses only with polarized dark lenses; unaided on top and magnifiers on the bottom.

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