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Oil cleanup


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Gents, what's the best method to clean up spilled oil on a cement garage floor?

Napa wanted to sell me 50 pounds of absorbent but that's way more than I need .

I'm trying cat litter but it doesn't seem to work very well.

What's your method?

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wood chips, degreaser, baking soda not necessarily in that order. You may still have a stain left. I have found that a pretty cheap degreaser can be found at one dollar stores called AWSOME. A half gallon can be had for a buck. Brake cleaner would also be a good choice once the majority of it is wiped up.

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Sawdust works very well and it's dirt cheap but since the oil has been there for a while now it's likely even after using it you'll still have something left.

To get rid of that, spray some brake cleaner, let rest for a few seconds and then wipe with a shop towel.

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After all the residue is up and you are left with just the stain, spray it with WD-40. It will dissolve most of it. You might need several applications.

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Napa wanted to sell me 50 pounds of absorbent but that's way more than I need .


True, but it doesn't go bad. You can use it for a lot of different spills. Things go poorly in my garage.

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The "trick" to using oil absorbents, kitty litter, made of clay is to allow them to soak a bit, then grind them into the mess with your shoe sole. Grinding creates a lot smaller particles that seem to absorb better and it really gets that last bit of oil. I sometimes clean up the first application then spread out another layer and grind that into what is left. Painted floors clean up better. Raw concrete will always stain a bit. WD 40 works good and parts cleaner sprayed on a stubborn area can help.

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Keep in mind that muriatic acid can etch concrete.


I've found floor dry (what NAPA is offering) is a great product but, you have to really grind it in with your foot making smaller and smaller particles to the point that you have some of it in dust form.


Garage floors are usually hard troweled where driveways have a rougher broom finish. The finish does make a difference on how various techniques/products will work.


Another method that works well is to soak the stain with mineral spirits and then use portland cement to absorb the mineral spirits/oil residue. You will need to experiment a bit to get the soaking time and absorbing time just right.

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I have had oil spills to clean up and all of the above are good solutions.

I also put down a big piece of cardboard under what ever I am draining so any spills will soak up. :thumbsup: If I'm in a hurry and don't use the cardboard it's a guaranteed spill to clean up. :cry:

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Kitty litter is great. Spread, walk on it a few times, leave for 48 hours. Remove kitty litter; if any oil stain remains, 91% isopropyl alcohol is readily available, and is an oleophilic solvent. Pour on some alcohol, brush, mop up.

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If to wipe up...Acetone or Mineral Spirits available at hardware stores works well. Use gloves. If trying to remove stain, most autosupplies sell 5lb bag of oil sorb - kitty litter. Put it down, let it sit over night....walk on it and grind it to powder with your shoe. It will take out most stains. It will likely make the area off color from the rest, but will blend in time.


I was going to say..wife, but she is sitting next to me and didn't feel like getting slapped off the couch.

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"Put it down, let it sit over night....walk on it and grind it to powder with your shoe."

"I was going to say..wife, but she is sitting next to me and didn't feel like getting slapped off the couch."


Isn't that considered abuse in most areas??

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