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Want more volume from Schuberth C3 Pro


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Does anyone know if there's a way to increase the maximum volume available from a Schuberth C3 Pro that's connected via Bluetooth to a 2014 RT with the Technology Package? I wear ear plugs but still want to hear tunes and nav directions, and the max volume is pretty wimpy.


I tried to find a master volume on the bike to see if it's set, say, at 50% by default and just needs to be increased. I did not find anything like that. I looked in the menus of the Nav 5 for the same thing but once the helmet is linked to the bike's audio system the Nav 5 shows an onscreen message that says to use the bikes' audio system and there's no audio adjustment available with the Nav 5.


Once the bike is paired to the helmet, the volume control with the wonder wheel and on the helmet switch are linked so adjusting either one has the same effect.


Any help would be appreciated.




EDIT: My Schuberth C3 Pro helmet has the BMW Communications System.


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Can you check the volume settings on the GPS while the helmet is not Bluetoothed to it? If so try setting the volumes without the helmet paired. If you have options try setting the master to 90%, gps to 90%, media to 80%. If you can do that then pair them together and set the volume with the headset. Also make sure you have the latest firmware for the helmet, might be v250.


Not familiar with the BMW com system but the SRC system is plenty loud with ear plugs.


Good luck.



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Who installed the headset, and did they take care to *precisely* position the speakers directly in line with your ear canals?


I find the BMW Communicator speakers to be low power enough that if not well aligned with the ear, the volume drops off quite a bit. There's no "generic" position that reliably works because every person's ears are positioned in a different place -- two people that try on the same helmet will likely find that one or both don't hear the speakers well.


In my case, I usually remove the cloth cover of the cheek pads and extend the styrofoam's pre-formed ear speaker depressions forward and down a bit to get the speakers sitting "just right" for my ears.

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You can also make speaker "shims" using velcro dots. Put them back to back, one side hook, the other loop.

Then put them in between the speaker and the cheekpad styrofoam.

You could also work with your earplugs to allow a bit more noise in. They are ear plugs you know. I drilled a minute hole thru a set of custom plugs once so I could have a bit less silence. Hated hearing myself breathe and whiskers scratching against the chin bar.

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Do not know if there is a separate volume for the bike's system. I do know that with my Sena system on the '14... I have plenty of volume. So much so I had to remove the thick "pucks" I installed on the initial set-up to turn it down.


The point being that the easiest way to get more, or less volume is to move the speakers closer or farther out. I assume you have tried to use the Bike's wonder wheel to control Audio system volume?


I wear Arizona Al earplugs and can hear fine.

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Thanks for the replies, guys. The in-helmet speakers do have some positional adjustability and they weren't projecting sound directly at my ear canals. So I moved them to project sound closer to where it needs to go and that appeared to help some. Might be able to fine tune that some more with additional velcro dots. Also discovered the various adjustments on the Nav V that only can be accomplished with the unit off the bike and not connected to any Bluetooth devices. Among those adjustments was a master volume that was set at 60%. That's now set at 100% and appeared to help, too. Of course it's snowing so a test ride isn't in the cards today.

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Afternoon MotoBones


Truthfully, you can test it without riding by just sitting on the bike.


If you can turn it up enough that it sounds TOO LOUD sitting still then it shouldn't be turned up any more than that while riding.


That is how loud it will be when riding even if you can't hear it clearly. Above that point it will just damage your hearing even if it sounds too low while riding.


I quit using in-helmet speakers & ear buds for that reason. If I have to turn the sound down when I stop then it was too loud for my hearing when riding (I just don't know it while riding)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Adjusted the speakers' angle further, which helped more. I also got some earplugs with 28NRR instead of the 33NRR plugs I typically use. Another improvement.

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I spoke with a Schuberth rep and asked about my low volume concern and he assured me I am not alone. Lots of complaints about that, apparently. He said the manufacturer of the headsets is working on improving output but could not say whether any improvements will work retroactively.


For what these headsets cost, it's disappointing to say the least.

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Paul In Australia

I was at a dealers this morning watching a tech struggling with the install of a BMW Comms pack on a BMW system 6 Evo.... What a PIA.

Why go through all that cost and expense just for the wonder wheel volume control. Use a Sena.

Best regards

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I was at a dealers this morning watching a tech struggling with the install of a BMW Comms pack on a BMW system 6 Evo.... What a PIA.

Why go through all that cost and expense just for the wonder wheel volume control. Use a Sena.

Best regards


I got to where I could install one in 30-35 minutes start to finish. Like anything,but here are tips and tricks.

I probably did 4-5 dozen the years I worked there.

The install is so crazy, the tech's refused to do it. They couldn't make any money at it.

So once again, parts department to the rescue.




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I spoke with a Schuberth rep and asked about my low volume concern and he assured me I am not alone. Lots of complaints about that, apparently. He said the manufacturer of the headsets is working on improving output but could not say whether any improvements will work retroactively.


For what these headsets cost, it's disappointing to say the least.

That's too bad. Does the integrated audio technology work with a different brand helmet equipped with a Sena?
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Does the integrated audio technology work with a different brand helmet equipped with a Sena?

The Schuberth rep and sales manager at Max BMW both said that other comm systems can link via bluetooth to the bike and Nav but they don't have the full range of integration that the BMW comm system provides. Not sure what features are not available without the BMW system.

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Not sure what features are not available without the BMW system.


AFAIK, the only thing you lose with the Sena unit is volume control via the bikes's handlebar mounted "wonder wheel". I think that one is gonna stick. :grin:



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