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Pressure gauge???


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True story: Many years ago, I was tearing around the kitchen, becoming increasingly frustrated as I was getting ready to go to work, because I couldn't find my car keys. My wife asked what was the matter. Removing a leather keyfob from between my teeth, I said, "I can't find the gd car keys!" Then I stuck the keyfob back in my mouth.


She just stared at me until the light bulb in my head lit up. A mind is a terrible thing to lose.

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Good idea, but I emptied it out yesterday....


I can't find my coffee pot either (along with 90% of everything else...)


It's probably in your container. :)

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Good idea, but I emptied it out yesterday....


I can't find my coffee pot either (along with 90% of everything else...)


It's probably in your container. :)



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Nice story with the leather fob in your teeth. I don't know how many times I've been driving the car, reached down, felt my pocket and went into a panic because my keys weren't there...

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I can't find my pressure gauge. Anyone seen it laying around anywhere? :dopeslap:


Buy a new one, cheapo. And then as soon as you rip it out of the package, you'll find the old one! :rofl:

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One time, my dog took a shoe outside and lost it in the bushes. I waited about 6 months before I finally threw out the other. A week later, here he comes with that lost shoe in his mouth....

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