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Garmin 660 v BMW Nav IV

Andy Walks

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Hi All,


Apologies if this has been covered before, but I can't find it on a search. My 2012 RT has the BMW prep for the Nav IV so I am considering an investment in a GPS, however which one !


In the posts about the pro's & cons of a Garmin 660 v Nav IV, a 'loss of functionality' is mentioned a number of times when comparing the Garmin to BMW. Does any one know exactly what functionality is lost ??


Comments on anything else I should consider would be gratefully received.


Andy W

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I have all three -- 2012 RT, Nav IV and 660.


If we were talking about a Nav V on a 2014 RT or a K16, I would say get the Nav V, because you can do a number of things with the left grip wheel that you can't with a non-Nav V -- quite convenient.


But the Nav IV vs. 660 question is different. The only thing a 660 can't do is interact with the 4 buttons on the left side of the cradle -- zoom in/out, change page and something else. I rarely ever use any of the cradle buttons, because if I have to reach all of the way to the cradle to do one of their functions, my finger is already at the screen and it's just as easy/easier to use the screen.


The only other significant differences (at least as I see it) are: (i) the Nav IV comes with the BMW dealer database installed, so when you are traveling you can punch up the nearest dealer (saved my @$$ one time when a final drive started to go an hour east of St. Louis), but you can also find a list of dealers on the web and download it to the 660; and (ii) in recent years the Nav IV has been sold with lifetime map updates, the equivalent 660 is the 660LM.


Oh, and the 660 case is dark grey, not the cradle-matching black of the Nav IV :)


In a non-Nav V application there's not much reason to spend the extra $ on a Nav IV.


Full disclosure: I have a Nav V on my K16, and my 660 is currently on my 1150RT. The only reason I have a Nav IV on the 2012 RT is that it was a freebie/incentive at the time of bike purchase.


Last thought: if I had the choice, I'd buy a 665 -- provides the option to get weather radar on the screen if you buy the separate antenna and service subscription.

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I've recently put a 660LM on my 2012 RT. (Primarily as you can pick one up for $400 and change now online)


It seems to work very nicely in both my truck and bike, plays well with Basecamp - ( or as well as anything plays with BaseCamp) and using the BMW above dash mount is very visible and in easy reach to operate.


I like it. Using the available power port down by the steering head, behind the headlights turns it on and off with the ignition. The only hiccup is that you have to remove it when parked for the day before plugging in the BMW Charger as it reactivate the CanBus circuit and powers the unit on.


I think that is because both powerlet plugs and the GPS plug in all share the same ground according to the wiring schematic in my Haynes Manual. ( but that's my best guess).


Another suggestion I found in thenZumo Forum that helps is that when loading Routes from BaseCamp use an SD card in the 660 so that you save memory space.

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That's brilliant; thanks to all for the info.

I think I will invest in the 660 as I can't see any great benefit of the Nav IV. Thanks again Andy W

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