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Autocom super pro 7 ???

marty mayer

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Since I had my tank off of my bike, I decided to upgrade from my old 5 pin Autocom Eurocom to a Autocom Super pro 7, 7 pin, that I have had sitting around here for a few years. On my 5 pin unit I have a cable that goes from the autocom to my helmet, it has a small box on the wire that has a jack to plug my wired earplugs in. Any idea where I might find this same cable with the earplug jack with the 7 pin ends on it? Not much on line for Autocom anymore.



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Here ya go : http://bit.ly/1zwTcI9


I had really good experiences with this vendor for Autocom stuff.


For the record, I won't leave Autocom until something better is available. The things I have read about the competition (which comes and goes) hasn't convinced me to make any moves.



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