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Oil Filters

Papa Joe

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Moving some stuff in the garage today and found 3 new BMW oil filters that are several years old.(Maybe 10 years old) My question is, will the paper inside dry out to the point the filter is no good? Use them or trash?

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Ask yourself: would you throw away a well preserved 10-year old book? ;)


I don't know about BMW, but both Honda and Yamaha stopped using paper as a filtering media around 2002. Now they use a synthetic fiber whose name eludes me at the moment. This material has no expiration date written on it.

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Afternoon Joe


Good question, You might try calling one of the major oil filter company tec lines & get the answer from the filter manufactures themselves.


This same question came to me a couple of years ago in an E-Mail & I really didn't know what to tell the guy.


So I asked one of the lubricant engineers I work with about it.


His answer was about as vague as mine here-- "There is no specific shelf life recommendation for oil filters but they sure don't like humidity during storage, especially if they have a moisture absorbing filter media".


Pull the filters out of the box's & look for rust on the top metal plate & way down inside, if any rust or light corrosion is found then it is likely the filter has been exposed to moisture & probably isn't a good candidate to use.


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I don't know about BMW, but both Honda and Yamaha stopped using paper as a filtering media around 2002. Now they use a synthetic fiber whose name eludes me at the moment. This material has no expiration date written on it.


It's probably made from the same stuff as their wire wrap and will disintegrate if you look at it funny. ;)

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Most Manufacturers will suggest to use their oil filter before their 5th anniversary (5 years from the date of manufacturing).


The problem is that the gasket manufacturer can't garantee their performance after 5 years (rubber component).


The filter's media and the metal is good beyond the 5 years, it's just the gasket that could cause a problem.


Best regards from Montreal, Canada



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I think you'll be fine as long as they were stored on Funk and Wagnall's porch in an hermetically sealed mayonnaise jar. :thumbsup:


Only if it were stored on his back porch.



If they were kept on his front stoop, or in his butler pantry, all bets are off.

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