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Phone App that pings coordinates?


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Geez, 15 years on this board and you'd think I would know this. But I don't know if I read about it here or somewhere else. I've searched here, but maybe I just couldn't find the right search words.


Seems I recall reading about a phone app that will work somewhat like a SPOT Tracker does for tracking your motorcycle rides, in that it can be set to ping coordinates every XXX minutes, and that those coordinates can be tracked onscreen at some website. Does anyone recall that discussion?



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I do not recall that, but I have an app that does a similar thing for tracking, sharing and communicating within a group called ... weride .... I have not tried it to the full extent but seems promising.



Or were you thinking of the spotwalla site?

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Glenn Reed

I use Glympse . It only works for a maximum of four hours, so not as useful as SPOT for longer periods of time. I use it to let family members know where I am, and that I am on the move. On trips longer than four hours, I just stop and start another session. One drawback is that any app that runs on a smartphone and uses location services, drains the battery much quicker. FYI.

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Mustang Guy

My wife and I have iPhone 5-S's, and I can share my location to her in the messaging (texting) screen. She can click on the link it sends and see exactly where I am.

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

Real-Time GPS Tracker.

You and whomever you want to see where you are have to have it installed.


There used to be a much better app but, they went under. That one even integrated weather radar into the home screen and several other cool things.

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I use mapmywalk free app on my android phone. Have a friend that has same and we can see each other walks .it tracks pretty good. Haven't used it for a long trip yet so I do not know how long it will go.so far I just turn it off

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this might be old hat to most of you here, but Many of my friends and family thought it was amazing that they could follow along, virtually, when I went on a long ride. This link is to spotwalla, with output by SWconnect. I also use pocketearth as my mapping, route planning, and GPS device, all on my iPhone which is linked by BT to my Sena. What an age we live in, to be able carry such a thing along. I'm a techie by education and pre-retirement profession and I'm still amazed.



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There is a feature on Nav V that I am just about to try out tomorrow! If you also have a Nav V, get into the App. menu, and you will find the tracker app. It may require smartphone link, but it seem that Nav V will post your position to one of the places: Facebook; Twitter (? questioning my memory here); or an e-mail address that you enter.


I think this is what you are looking for, and I will know for sure after tomorrow's ride.

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Blind Squirrel

Use this with Spotwalla if you have an Android phone or tablet.


SWConnect that I linked in prior post is iPhone only.




bubblergps is big with the FJR crowd that does not run a SPOT but wants to be tracked.

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Works with Spotwalla that a number of inmates here use.







Yep, use it anytime I travel distances alone and send the links to certain people to monitor my progress. I also use it when traveling alone via cage.


And not for tracking but I also have Eat, Sleep, Ride's Crashlight in case I happen to fall down.

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Works with Spotwalla that a number of inmates here use.







Yep, use it anytime I travel distances alone and send the links to certain people to monitor my progress. I also use it when traveling alone via cage.


And not for tracking but I also have Eat, Sleep, Ride's Crashlight in case I happen to fall down.


+1 on the SWconnect. Since it works well with Spotwalla you can share with whom you like on your location. Also it queues up the pings when you don't have data coverage and uploads all the points when you get back into coverage. Not as reliable as a Spot, but I am rarely out of coverage these days.

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Is there anyone else out there that Hates the idea of being followed and has not yet to date seen any evidence of a benefit to being "tracked" and your progress followed by an electronic box. It's interesting how there is much more "digital information" available vs. how NOT to be followed around.


As for me, i'll keep my phone in a Escape the Wolf bag. Call me a conspiracy theory guy, which I am :)


Also helps that 18F is in my MOS list. I use a GPS, but that's only receive capable. Not to offend.

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Is there anyone else out there that Hates the idea of being followed and has not yet to date seen any evidence of a benefit to being "tracked" and your progress followed by an electronic box. It's interesting how there is much more "digital information" available vs. how NOT to be followed around.


The benefit to being tracked is that if the people tracking me see me "not" moving for a while without leaving a message, than there is a problem that needs to be addressed.

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Interesting point of view, my counter point, would be to you screen name... no offense intended at all.


Adjusted screen name, mine anyway would be. Been around the world multiple times, 5 passports (in a stack), the "dream" is fleeting (Patton 1944), real freedom is having done something to earn that freedom, and make sure no one takes that freedom away, or even gets close.


Pinging... is giving away everything.

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Interesting point of view, my counter point, would be to you screen name... no offense intended at all.


Adjusted screen name, mine anyway would be. Been around the world multiple times, 5 passports (in a stack), the "dream" is fleeting (Patton 1944), real freedom is having done something to earn that freedom, and make sure no one takes that freedom away, or even gets close.


Pinging... is giving away everything.


I take it you have no loved ones who might be interested in your well-being while you're away from them.

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Fair question. I have never seen the need for them to know the dirt trail i'm taking at any one time. When I got somewhere for a period of time, I give them the start point and the end point. The rest, I leave up to the old fashioned way. If the bike crunches, the phone will get pinged anyway. Plus I carry an old PRC-112 that talks to anything flying WITH DME on board.


My personal opinion, smartphone stuff is "neat", but it's become our leash and master. I'm in medicine, the non-physical side a lot. There are lots of disturbing trends in anxiety issues when people get separated from the tech boxes, or that someone can't be found with a touch of a screen in 6 seconds. I choose to not participate.



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Interesting point of view, my counter point, would be to you screen name... no offense intended at all.


Adjusted screen name, mine anyway would be. Been around the world multiple times, 5 passports (in a stack), the "dream" is fleeting (Patton 1944), real freedom is having done something to earn that freedom, and make sure no one takes that freedom away, or even gets close.


Pinging... is giving away everything.


I think I've done something to earn the freedom if you haven't recognized the avatar (23yrs).


I have a smartphone, yes, I do, it was work provided, otherwise I wouldn't have one and am in no way tethered to it. But since my work has given me one, I'm going to utilize it to my advantage. The only apps that I have on the phone are bike/travel/fitness related. I ride alone the vast majority of the time. I may have a travel plan and I may not. I may have a point I'm going to and I may just have a direction that I'm going. With those thoughts in mind, if I tell my wife that I'm going north west for the day and I happen to fall down, how the hell is she going to do it the "old fashioned way" to locate me? The "pinging" allows her to periodically check my last position. If the last lengthy position doesn't included a message (eating, pissing, sightseeing, gassing), then a problem exists. It is in no way a "loss of freedom" but an assurance that I may live with that freedom again.

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Infantry / Company level if I remember right from order of battle stuff. Honor to meet you. This subject is going to wander far off the subject and scope of the site. But it's an interesting discussion.


Given a secure discussion environment, I could tell you exactly what "pinging" is doing to your personal / financial / security footprint. I've heard all the arguments on why it's good, they're mostly feel good measures because the "trigger event" is based NOT on how bad a crash happens (if it's a crash for example), but more accurately, it's based on how fast the person doing the following will call 911, or report you missing as is the case.



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Infantry / Company level if I remember right from order of battle stuff. Honor to meet you. This subject is going to wander far off the subject and scope of the site. But it's an interesting discussion.


Given a secure discussion environment, I could tell you exactly what "pinging" is doing to your personal / financial / security footprint. I've heard all the arguments on why it's good, they're mostly feel good measures because the "trigger event" is based NOT on how bad a crash happens (if it's a crash for example), but more accurately, it's based on how fast the person doing the following will call 911, or report you missing as is the case.




Yes, the discussion is wandering,....


Just for you knowledge, I am in the security business (not gun tottin', baton twirling security, but information protection type) and am aware of the "possibilities" of what "could" happen to my information.


The bottom line is this, we use the apps/programs to our advantage, if the conspiracy theorist seem to think the powers that be want to monitor my travels through the mountains, so be it, they're not gathering anything illegal about me. I'll ensure that I wear my foil hat the next time I go out and don't want to be monitored ;)


Back to the topic, for SWConnect and Spotwalla, the "pinging" can be set from 1 minute to every 10 minutes. You can also customize the messages that you send when you stop. It really is the best combination for having those you want to monitor your movements actually monitor them. Spotwalla can be set to password protect your travels as well.

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I mostly do it as a courtesy for the better half. That way she has a general idea of where I'm at on a motorcycle trip. Plus I publish the map out for the other guys wives if they want them. I certainly don't mind if my wife knows where I am on a trip and it gives her a little piece of mind, I'm happy to do it.

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Here's a trip I took today with HH0 and my friend Bill. I used SWConnect on my iphone set to record position every 5 min.

SpotWalla view of a trip

It's hard to see from the track that we followed NF-42 out of Little Crater Lake (point 30). If you enlarge enough to make out this road you loose the big picture. I'd like it to show our route on the actual road we used but this would take too many points I guess. What would work better?

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Use this with Spotwalla if you have an Android phone or tablet.


SWConnect that I linked in prior post is iPhone only.




+1 Bubbler pro... $10 I think.


How much data does this use? My plan is only 200 mb. :dopeslap:


I see you can select to use wifi only?


Signed up for the lite version.



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"How much data does this use? My plan is only 200 mb. dopeslap


I see you can select to use wifi only?


Signed up for the lite version."


I really do not know except to say very little.

It will report your location in a quick "burst" If you do not have a signal it will hold the location until it does have a signal and then report. It works well.



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Did a quick test - wifi mode - mixed results. Could be because of user :dopeslap: OR, because of Lite Version. Only puts down 5 points????



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Did a quick test - wifi mode - mixed results. Could be because of user :dopeslap: OR, because of Lite Version. Only puts down 5 points????



It can only report in when you've got wi-fi signal, which is pretty limiting.

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I bought the pro version last year and it followed me for 14 days. Did a 10 day trip this year and it only failed when i forgot to turn my phone on. I really does not use much data.

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